1504東元,斐波回調0.382後突破下降趨勢籌碼面 籌碼逐漸集中,但不見強勢,需再觀察。 價格面 距上次M頂跌幅 1:1 滿足,目前價格回到週線斐波0.382位置,打出雙底,嘗試突破短期阻力區域。 操作想法 期望看見突破綠色阻力區時,籌碼集中、主力連買,那會考慮回測綠色區域買入。 - 止盈:63, 75 - 止損:實體 K 跌破 41.5由Trader-ZC提供已更新 121227
2024/03/29 - 6120來更新一下看法 因為最近這都在盤其實沒甚麼好分享的。 根據上次的回測位置14.9,不多不少碰到價格就上去,美中不足就是下引線好短。 接著來觀察壓力位置16.45這裡測試了非常多次,如果有一天爆量2-3萬+突破,就差不多要開始了。看多由taiwanguest提供1
Billionaire Leon Black Is The Short Seller Killer Of 2016What is he doing now? 1. Leon Black offers $11 bln for Paramount's Hollywood studio Mar.20.2024 2. The agreement is a renegotiation of the deal Credit Suisse had reached with the U.S. buyout fund in the Swiss banking group's last-ditch attempts at a revamp to avoid collapse. "This mutually beneficial agreement aligns with UBS's strategy of winding down and simplifying its non-core and legacy portfolio," UBS said on Wednesday. Mar.22.2024 What did he do 2016? 1. Black got off to an acquisitive start this year by striking a $6.9 billion deal in February to buy ADT, which on the eve of 2016 was one of the most heavily shorted companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. The home security company had become a target for short sellers who believed big cable companies like Comcast could leverage their relationships with homeowners and take ADT’s business. Apollo had been rolling up home security companies like Protection 1 and ASG Security and folded them into ADT. Apollo bought ADT for $42 a share, a 56% premium over ADT’s closing price on the last trading day before the deal was announced. 2. In June, Apollo put together a deal to buy Diamond Resorts International for $2.2 billion, which represented a 26% premium over where the company’s shares closed before the announcement. The stock had changed hands for less than $20 in May and Apollo paid $30.25 a share when the deal closed in September. The shares of the time-share resort company had a large short interest and some thought its business model was faulty and premised on overly aggressive sales tactics in an already sketchy industry. 3. Next up, Apollo shocked the shorts in July by entering into an agreement to buy Outerwall in a $1.6 billion deal. The owner of Red Box DVD rentals was the third-most shorted stock in America with short interest making up 46% of its public float. As a result of a shareholder push for a sale and Apollo’s purchase, shares of Outerwall are up 42% this year. 4. Finally, Apollo agreed at the end of August to buy Rackspace Hosting for $4.3 billion. Short sellers had bet heavily that larger companies like Amazon and Microsoft would continue to eat the lunch of the cloud-services company. Rackspace’s shares once changed hands for more than $80. Apollo agreed to buy them for $32 a share, which still represented a 38% premium to the level they closed at before reports of a potential deal surfaced in August.由Cigarer提供已更新 0
疑似取得GLP1代工訂單,短線整理末端神隆在上周的法說會提到已取得西林瓶兩項ANDA,適應證分別是骨質疏鬆與糖尿病, 而針劑型預計也即將取得ANDA。 法說之後出現拉抬量能,目前進入第一個整理,以15分鐘線來看,符合波浪整理型態, 目前正在進入最後的B-C末端整理,而如果未來能持續往上攻擊, 則B-C的第二波開始會形成一個往上推動的攻擊,因此這個B-C的低點可能就會是接下來的起漲點。 目前全球由於GLP1的減重效果驚人,已經出現缺貨的情況, 而GLP1的適應證是糖尿病而不是減重,因此神隆所取得的ANDA就有令人想像的空間。 以中長期來看,神隆出現一個長達6年的底部,之前也有分享神隆的碎形結構。 而以目前觀察來看,的確也符合前段的碎形架構,短線上應會有一波漲勢。 同時他這六年的底部近期也出現底部墊高的型態,有機會是一個中期起漲的低點區間, 美國NBI指數目前已開始走出攻擊,而台灣的生技類股在第二季通常會有不錯的表現, 因此現階段的神隆我個人認為已浮現短線、中期的雙重投資價值。看多由AceJack0104提供2225
2356英業達,旗形整理籌碼面 籌碼平平尚未翻正 價格面 突破前一下降結構高點後,再次挑戰支阻互換區域 旗形整理回踩斐波 382 區域 操作想法 確認突破支阻互換區域,站穩 53,出現小結構的支撐突破反應會嘗試建倉 - 止盈:58.5, 64.5 - 止損:跌破 45.25看多由Trader-ZC提供已更新 31
價值浮現? 微星沈寂一段時間沒發表自己的交易計劃,今天就用微星當新的開始Let go~ 。 基本面 根據優分析平台所提供的長短展望 ### 短期展望 1. **AIoT及車載相關新事業**:2023年度營收比重約占達8%,看好中長期的營運動能。 2. **PC業務**:2024年下半年預期隨著英特爾和超微的新處理器平台推出,以及微軟作業系統的升級更新,將帶動新一波AI PC的上市。 3. **遊戲掌機新品**:2024年下半年續與英特爾合作推出第二代遊戲掌機新品。 4. **板卡業務**:延續2023年下半年市場回溫動能,2024年初推出的RTX 40 Super系列顯卡供貨吃緊,預期新世代平台推出將激勵市場增長。 5. **2024年第1季展望**:延續2023年第4季銷售良好的趨勢,上半年表現預期不錯。 **短期成長性評分:8/10** 短期內,微星有多項新產品和技術更新計畫,尤其是在PC業務和板卡業務方面,預期將帶動營收成長。加上AIoT和車載相關新事業的發展,短期內成長性看好。 ### 長期展望 1. **車用充電樁家用/商用產品線擴展**:因應未來長期發展趨勢,微星將持續擴展車用充電樁的家用/商用產品線。 2. **AI伺服器布局**:微星正擴充團隊人力布局AI伺服器,預計未來3至5年到位,已接觸美國二線資料中心廠商,針對客戶需求布局。 3. **產能擴充**:2024年1月取得桃園龜山廠土地,規劃蓋廠房,主要用途是生產AI伺服器、車載產品、充電樁與AIOT等,總投資額要50多億元,2027年底完工生產。 4. **電競市場與顯卡挖礦**:電競市場具有成長潛力,微星持續深耕該核心業務,並看好比特幣ETF上市將推動加密貨幣上漲,進而帶動顯卡挖礦需求。 **長期成長性評分:9/10** 長期來看,微星在AI伺服器、車載產品、充電樁等新興領域的布局,以及對電競市場的持續投入,顯示了公司對未來技術趨勢的敏銳洞察和積極應對。加上產能的擴充計畫,為長期成長奠定了堅實的基礎。 DCF價值折現估值模型 由市場法人共識所提供的E P S根據自己評估的資料套入DCF工具所計算的結果顯示有潛在價值浮現 技術面 月圖支撐需求區疊加周圖XYAB底部反轉型態疊加周圖加特利型態給做多觀點看多由cindymin提供21