
AMZN: Amazon Joins the Quantum Chip Race with “Transformative” Ocelot

  • Amazon reveals quantum chip
  • Ocelot joins Majorana 1, Willow
  • Quantum computing making progress
Illustration by TradingView

Just a week after Microsoft unveiled its Majorana 1 (the new state of matter), Amazon followed up with its first-gen quantum chip. Race is on.

🤖 Ocelot Joins Majorana 1

  • Amazon AMZN stepped into the game-changing quantum chip race with its own quantum creation. Ocelot, the company’s first-generation chip for quantum computing, was unveiled on Thursday — a week after Microsoft MSFT lifted the curtain for its Majorana 1 quantum chip.
  • The announcement comes four years after Amazon chief Andy Jassy said that the company was “optimistic in the future that quantum computing will play a role.”

👨🏻‍💻 Willow: “About Time”

  • “We believe that scaling Ocelot to a full-fledged quantum computer capable of transformative societal impact would require as little as one-tenth as many resources as common approaches, helping bring closer the age of practical quantum computing,” AWS wrote in a blog post.
  • Besides Amazon and Microsoft making quantum leaps, Google parent Alphabet GOOGL unveiled its own quantum chip Willow back in December. This one, the company said, could be a proof that parallel universes exist. What a time to be alive!

🧠 What’s So Special?

  • The main driver that underpins the race to develop a full-fledged quantum computer is that the geeks and the tech bros believe it will be capable of solving problems that are impossible to solve by modern-day computers.
  • Today’s computers and smartphones run operations with bits that are either on or off. Quantum computers can run things in both states at the same time.

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