
Prometheus NFP Levels

This script is a tool to mark the high and low of the most recent first Friday of the month. The significance of that day is that’s when the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the Non Farm Payrolls (NFP) for the month prior. This number includes how many jobs were added that month, the unemployment rate, and labor force participation rate to name a few.

It is always on the first Friday of the new month, and markets tend to care about it quite a bit.

This script also allows a user to get the high and low of a specific date, the default date is the last Federal Open Market Committee day (FOMC). On this day the Federal Reserve announces the Federal Funds Interest Rate, as well as giving guidance on things like bond buying programs, to name a few.

Markets care about these days a lot, that is why we decided to make this script. Prometheus plans to update the default custom date with the most recent FOMC date as they come around.


Here we see the FOMC level high in blue, and low in yellow as well as the NFP high and low in green and red. The white boxes highlight areas where the market reacted to the levels.


On this chart we see a different asset still has interactions with the levels.

We chose to have the user input the date the way we did, not as a timestamp, for this code:

Adding one to the inputted date gives us a simple way to define the time range.

Prometheus encourages users to use indicators as tools along with their own discretion. No indicator is 100% accurate. We encourage comments about requested features and criticism.
Update to default day to be last FOMC day, which is 09/18/2024.
Change default FOMC date.

