Position Investing by SirSeff

1 911
This is for my group.
The ideas is to dollar cost average whenever the band is green and pause investing when the band is red.
This gives you two things:
1. You'll minimize averaging down. Ibig sabihin maiiwasan mo bumili tapos kinabukasan down agad.
2. you'll maximize averaging up or scaling up. Ibig sabihin, most likely nakaka bili ka na green days and green kinabukasan.
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With Net profit of 87.72 % at hindi pa kasama compounding effect niyan whenever you top up on green bands.
Percent Profitable is 2.07 ibig sabihin ma dodoble mo ang account mo when you religiously follow this.
Max Loss Drawdown is 7.43 %, ibig sabihin maminimize mo ang losses down to 7.43%

