Averaging Price

A calculator that will help to survive in market storms and even to increase your deposit. This script will not help you to find the perfect price to buy, but will allow to buy more and more when the market will go down. But please, don't forget to sell some parts when position will be profitable (or close to that), so you will be able to buy more and more even on a bear market. Please, take a look at the market stress situations to correctly plan your strategy there.

How to use?
1. Define amount to want to gain to position (e.g. $1000), this amount of money you will lose in case of liquidation (for isolation mode) or entire futures deposit in case of cross mode.
2. Configure existing position (price where you entered and amount of coins you already in), if no any - it's even better. Calculator will help with the right amount for a first purchase.
3. Configure futures, closs/isolation margin mode and other things. By default it will use liquidations for isolation margin mode to buy more a slightly above. You can use these levels even for cross mode (buy by calculations for isolation mode, but really have cross configured). If you want to use other levels to buy – please use Concrete Prices field to enter them split by comma, and the script will use it for calculations.
4. A table and lines will help to see more details of how to deal with market. Play around and find a best strategy for you. But please, don't forget to CHECK THE ACCURACY OF CALCULATIONS. This script gives only preliminary number and will never be able to show exact numbers, the REAL LIQUIDATIONS MAY BE MUCH HIGHER then it shows!!!

P.S. I, as an author, do not have any responsibility on your possible losses due to following these ideas. I am using it just like idea and recheck every number. There might be any issues, and you will pay for it with your own money. So please, be mindful while using it.

Hope it will help to make your trading better and way more comfort.
Take care and good luck!



