Overview The Annual Returns % Comparison indicator aimed to compare the historical annual percentage change of any two symbols. The indicator output shows a column-plot that was developed by two using a pine script table, so each period has pair columns showing the yearly percentage change for entered symbols.
Features - Enter [Start - End] date range. - Fill up with any two symbols. - Choose the output data whether adjusted or not. - Change the location of the table plot - Color columns by a symbol. - Size the height and width of columns. - Color background, border, and text. - The tooltip of the column value appears once the cursor sets above the specific column. As it seen below.
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- Added an option to pick up the chart symbol.
- Enhanced the code structure. - Added line between legend section and plot section. - Improved coloring. - Improved indicator's settings. - With this update, it's possible to browse the plot at any timeframe.