
RedK Slow_Smooth Average (RSS_WMA)

RedK Slow Smooth Average (RSS_WMA) is based on simple, multi-WMA passes to generate a moving average that sacrifices low-lag and fast responsiveness for the sake of smoothness.

This smoothness enables an increased trader ability to visualize and track longer-term trends and removes the noise of smaller, relatively insignificant price fluctuations.

* RSS_WMA is deliberately built to be a "lazy line" - and it works in a different way to other common moving averages that attempt to achieve less lag and quicker responsiveness - the idea and the use scenario is to act as a "smooth base" when used against a faster moving average like the v_Wave of the Co_Ra Wave

* Note that the settings of this line is "Smoothness' and not "length" - the initial length used for the first WMA pass calculation is 1/3 of that smoothness value selected in the settings

* Increments in the combined smoothness value will be allocated first to 1st WMA pass, then 2nd WMA pass, then 3rd pass consecutively then back to 1st pass.

* because we utilize 3 WMA passes, a settings below 3 will have no effect on the line and it will just track the "source" price.

Suggested Use:
- Use RSS_WMA when you're looking for a smooth moving average that can help you analyze you chart at a broader / macro level, visualize the broader price action patterns and filter out the noise from short-term moves. you can also use this line to help set your position exits since only major and persistent moves will cause this line, as lay as it is, to swing from one direction to the other.

How does RSS_WMA compare?
here's a quick view of how the RSS_WMA compared to other commonly used Moving Averages, including my recently published CoRa_Wave


Code is commented - please feel free to use and customize further - please share a comment if you found this useful in your chart analysis or trading.
- Updating chart
RSS_WMA v2 adds a Swing Up / Down visual signal when a change in trend direction is detected
- the signal will be off by default. enable in settings
- in real time, these swing signals will only plot **after** the current bar closes. that's the preferred behavior for most traders, but can be changed in the code (should we make that a user option ?)


- This is a quick fix for the approach used to get the swing signal location, so it's not tied to a "price" data series
- this works best for scenarios where RSS_WMA is used on top of other plots
RSS_WMA v3 adds alerts for Swing Up, Swing Down and a generic one for "Up/Down Swing"

