Ultimate Multi-MACD - Early Warnings + Main Trend

This is a set of a bunch of moving averages. Unique, huh? Right. Awesome. Dope.

So, what's cool about this set, is its usability as not just one MACD, but a pair of MACDs specifically tuned to keep you hard. Some of you probably notice already just looking at the available MAs and lengths - there are some common pairs here. But what do you get when you combine all these common pairs that share bases? You get both short and long term plays out of it. The thing MACDs aren't supposed to do. I imagine it would be hard to make a backtestable/bottable script version of this, because the main thing is you have to use your gut a little bit in determing when to take a short term play and when to keep to the long term plays.

In this set, you get 3 TEMAs, 2 VWMAs, 2 SMAs, and 2 ALMAs. Yeah. That's almost TOO phat. I know. Whatever.

The two purple/pink lines are your 25 VWMA and 50 ALMA slow lines. These will be your main slow lines. They're usually close but move around a decent bit and if you want you could make buys and sales using the Alma crossing above the VWMA as a buy and sell crossing under.

Then you have a THIRD potential slow line on your dark green 50 TEMA. You generally use either the 13 or 21 TEMA crossing up as buy and down as sell. The signal TEMAs are bright green 13 and yellow 21.

Next you have all your Fast signal MAs! A peachy 10 VWMA, 13 green TEMA, 21 yellow TEMA, 10 teal/bright blue ALMA and last but not least, two pale SMAs at 5 and 10. The 5 could even be used as a signal against the 10 if you really want. There are countless options for buy and sell signals. Hide and show the ones that work the best on the chart you're trading on. Different ones will work different times. Why not see which ones are working BEST out of all the best ones, though?

Please leave other MA pairs that you would like added in future versions. If I do make a future version with more pairs I will very likely set default to hide some


