
Ultimate Risk Management System 📈

5 635
With this tool you can run multiple instances for Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop or Trailing Take Profit.

Why use it?
> Some trading platforms don't offer special tools like Trailing Stop;
> In case they do, they don't have to know where you put your stops;
> TradingView offers high performance, you can see the tool working in real-time.

Main Features:
- Real-time;
- Long Order;
- Short Order;
- Stop Loss;
- Take Profit;
- Trailing Stop Loss;
- *Trailing Take Profit.

Disclaimer: This system may help you cut out your losses or lock in your profit, but it does not guarantee profit. Always use at your own risk.
- fixed the alerts functionality
- added Trailing Take Profit
- Trailing Take Profit activates at the Take Profit % Level, and only if the Take Profit is active
- added a wrapper module to test closed source strategies.
- any compatible indicator should work, an example of such indicator can be found on this page Simple signals example for Risk Management Wrapper
- the Performance Report will be available on the chart.

Currently, there are 3 modes available for getting the alerts:
- Manual, price level crossing
- Manual, point in time
- Wrapper, using any compatible indicator
fixed an issue with the "Manual & Wrapper Invert (Long ↔ Short)", now flipping the entry type works in manual mode as well

