
Financial Radar Chart by zdmre

zdmre 已更新   
Radar chart is often used when you want to display data across several unique dimensions. Although there are exceptions, these dimensions are usually quantitative, and typically range from zero to a maximum value. Each dimension’s range is normalized to one another, so that when we draw our spider chart, the length of a line from zero to a dimension’s maximum value will be the similar for every dimension.

This Charts are useful for seeing which variables are scoring high or low within a dataset, making them ideal for displaying performance.

How is the score formed?

Debt Paying Ability
if Debt_to_Equity < %10 : 100
elif < 20% : 90
elif < 30% : 80
elif < 40% : 70
elif < 50% : 60
elif < 60% : 50
elif < 70% : 40
elif < 80% : 30
elif < 90% : 20
elif < 100% : 10
else: 0

if Return_on_Invested_Capital > %50 : 100
elif > 40% : 90
elif > 30% : 80
elif > 20% : 70
elif > 10% : 50
elif > 5% : 20
else: 0

if Return_on_Equity > %50 : 100
elif > 40% : 90
elif > 30% : 80
elif > 20% : 70
elif > 10% : 50
elif > 5% : 20
else: 0

Operating Ability
if Operating_Margin > %50 : 100
elif > 30% : 90
elif > 20% : 80
elif > 15% : 60
elif > 10% : 40
elif > 0 : 20
else: 0

if Enterprise_Value_to_EBITDA < 3 : 100
elif < 5 : 80
elif < 7 : 70
elif < 8 : 60
elif < 10 : 40
elif < 12 : 20
else: 0

if Price_to_Free_Cash_Flow < 5 : 100
elif < 7 : 90
elif < 10 : 80
elif < 16 : 60
elif < 18 : 50
elif < 20 : 40
elif < 22 : 30
elif < 30 : 20
elif < 40 : 15
elif < 50 : 10
elif < 60 : 5
else: 0

GROWTH Ability
if Revenue_One_Year_Growth > %20 : 100
elif > 16% : 90
elif > 14% : 80
elif > 12% : 70
elif > 10% : 50
elif > 7% : 40
elif > 4% : 30
elif > 2% : 20
elif > 0 : 10
else: 0
Bug fixes.


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