
Even vs Odd Weeks Performance


The Even vs Odd Weeks Performance indicator is designed to visualise and compare the performance of even-numbered weeks versus odd-numbered weeks. This indicator explores one of the many calendar based anomalies that exist in financial markets.

In the context of financial analysis, a calendar based anomaly refers to patterns or tendencies that are linked to specific time periods, such as days of the week, weeks of the month, or months of the year. This indicator helps explore whether such a calendar based anomaly exists between even and odd weeks.

By calculating cumulative weekly performance and counting the number of weeks with positive returns, it provides a clear snapshot of whether one set of weeks tends to outperform the other, potentially highlighting a calendar based anomaly if a significant difference is observed.


  • Customisable time window through input settings.
  • Tracks cumulative returns for even and odd weeks separately.
  • Easily adjust table settings like position and font size via input options.
  • Clear visual distinction between even and odd week performance using different colours.
  • Built-in error checks to ensure the indicator is applied to the correct timeframe.


  • Add the indicator to a chart with a Weekly timeframe.
  • Choose your start and end dates in the Time Settings.
  • Enable or disable the performance table in the Table Settings as needed.
  • View the cumulative performance, with even weeks in green and odd weeks in red.
Added performance labels

