Renko Periodic Spiral of Archimedes-Secret Geometry - AYNET
How It Works Dynamic Center:
The spiral is centered on the close price of the chart, with an optional vertical offset (center_y_offset). Spiral Construction:
The spiral is drawn using segments_per_turn to divide each turn into small line segments. spacing determines the radial distance between successive turns. num_turns controls how many full rotations the spiral will have. Line Drawing:
Each segment is computed using trigonometric functions (cos and sin) to calculate its endpoints. These segments are drawn sequentially to form the spiral. Inputs Center Y Offset: Adjusts the vertical position of the spiral relative to the close price. Number of Spiral Turns: Total number of full rotations in the spiral. Spacing Between Turns: Distance between consecutive turns. Segments Per Turn: Number of segments used to create each turn (higher values make the spiral smoother). Line Color: Customize the color of the spiral lines. Line Width: Adjust the thickness of the spiral lines. Example If num_turns = 5, spacing = 2, and segments_per_turn = 100: The spiral will have 5 turns, with a radial distance of 2 between each turn, divided into 100 segments per turn. Let me know if you have further requests or adjustments to the visualization!