
MG - Range trader - 1.0

2 326
This one is a bit of an experiment..

The theory is, if you have an asset that you firmly believe will rise in the future for fundamental reasons and are happy to hold until that happens i.e. a be a position trader, you can take advantage of market volatility at the same time in a relatively safe way, so theoretically, you profit when the price goes up or down

E.g. You have $1000, an asset in which you want to become a position trader and you are happy to either make more money or more of the asset as you believe that will make you more money in the future, you could wait until a decent retracement, maybe around a good support level, then buy $500 of the asset and simply sell if it goes up by X, buy if it goes down by X. If you keep doing this, you will end up with either with more of the asset or more money. You have a sure gain either way (if you are happy to have either money or asset)

There are some considerations:

The higher the trade size, the faster profit compounds and the faster you exhaust your available buys and sells
- E.g. If asset is $100, you have $500 and you plan to buy / sell every $10 change, if the asset drops straight to $40, your last buy will be at $50, at which point, the asset is still dropping. But it you only plan to buy / sell $5 every $10 price, you will be able to buy right down to 0.

In times of strong trend, it may be better to avoid this approach altogether as there may not be so much oscillation or at least to use a small if not minimum order size.


The buy and sell triggers can be connected using autoview to convert this indicator into a range trading bot
Added a don't sell below line to prevent the situation where the price keeps dropping, your fiat runs out, then the price moves up by your threshold triggering a sell at a lower price than you bought it at (you may want to hold instead for various reasons e.g. you started buying at a larger timer frame 0.618 retracement, then set your dont buy below line at the 0.5 retracement and set your order size accordingly, then even though the price dropped below 0.5, you expect it is going to bounce up at the 0.382

