Generates a branch made of segments with a starting angle and a turning angle for each segment. The branch is generated from a starting point and a number of nodes to generate. The length of each segment and angle of each segment can be adjusted. The branch can be generated in 2D or 3D, render as you wish.
method branch(origin, nodes, segment_length, segment_growth, angle_start, angle_turn) # Branch Generation. - `origin`: CommonTypesMath.Vector3 - The starting point of the branch. If the z value is not zero, it will be used as the starting angle. - `nodes`: int - The number of nodes to generate. - `segment_length`: float - The length of each segment. - `segment_growth`: float - The growth of each segment. 0 = no growth, 100 = double the length of the previous segment. - `angle_start`: float - The starting angle of the branch in degrees. - `angle_turn`: float - The turning angle of each segment in degrees. Namespace types: CommonTypesMath.Vector3 Parameters: origin (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): The starting point of the branch. If the z value is not zero, it will be used as the starting angle. nodes (int): The number of nodes to generate. segment_length (float): The length of each segment. segment_growth (float): The growth of each segment. 0 = no growth, 100 = double the length of the previous segment. angle_start (float): The starting angle of the branch in degrees. angle_turn (float): The turning angle of each segment in degrees. return segments The list of segments that make up the branch.
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