Heracles Original Wilder's ADX and DI +/- by Zekis
7 185
Original Wilder's ADX and DI +/- (calculated with the 1978's original formula from Wilder's MA and not with the simple moving average, like almost all ADXs)
I changed the aspect for a nice and easy view
Black/yellow dashed line - threshold Light blue line = ADX Blue background - ADX above threshold Yellow background - ADX bellow threshold Green line - DI + Red line - DI - Green DI+/- background and green triangles - uptrend Red DI +/- background and red triangles - downtrend
Candlesticks are colored according to the pattern
Possibility to enable or disable trend filter (threshold)
Alerts are added for entries and exits or longs or shorts
Green triangle - long/enter Red triangle - short/exit Yellow contaminated area - no certain trend
Green candles - uptrend Red candles - downtrend Yellow candles - no certain trend