Parabolic SAR X Stochastic - Customizable - 1 Visi Trader

Parabolic SAR X Stochastic is a signal combination that we provide from Trend Indicator X Oscillator Algorithms, special for getting Momentum Continuation. This strategy has a 100% Non Repaint preparation signal and entry signal. You can configure the value of Parabolic SAR X Stochastic to your liking, allowing you to backtest this strategy objectively and more easily, and this signal can be used as the main confirmator of your trading setup.

- Value Configuration of Parabolic SAR (Start, Increment, Max Value)
- Stochastic Value Configuration (%K Length, %K Smoothing, %D Smoothing, Upper Band, Lower Band)
- Plot of Parabolic SAR & Stochastic
- Signal Preparation
- Signal Entry 100% Non Repaint
- Customizable Arrow Signal
- Customizable Color Signal
- Multiple Timeframe Signal
- Special Alerts for Preparation & Signal Entry Positions

