Library "string_utils" Collection of string utilities that can be used to replace sub-strings in a string and string functions that are not part of the standard library. This a more simple replacement of my previous string_variables library since it uses types for better performance due to data locality and methods that give a more intuitive API.
v2 Use PascalCase for object types
Do not replace the key if the value is na.
Minor documentation changes
Rewrite the existing methods to take advantage of the new associative container map.
Added: method indent(this, size) indent - Make a string by prepending a number of "special space characters" Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string Parameters: this (string): - The string that will be modified with the identation characters size (simple int): - The number of "special space characters" Returns: string prepended with the "special space characters"
method fill(this, size) fill - Make a string by appending a number of "special space characters" Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string Parameters: this (string): - The string that will be modified with the filling characters size (simple int): - The number of "special space characters" Returns: string appended with the "special space characters"
method make_unique_title(this, ident, fill) make_unique_title - Make a unique title string by appending automatically a number of "zero width space characters" on top of filling "special space characters" and also ident by prepending a number of "special space characters" Namespace types: simple string, input string, const string Parameters: this (simple string): - The string that will be modified with the identation, filling and id characters ident (simple int): - The number of "special space characters" to be prepended fill (simple int): - The number of "special space characters" to be appended Returns: string prepended and appended with the number of "zero width space characters" and also appended with "zero width space characters" so it is unique
Updated: method replace(this, stringToNumMap) replace - Replace the first instance of the key sub-string found in the str string with the corresponding value string Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string Parameters: this (string): - The string that will be modified if it contains the key sub-strings stringToNumMap (map<string, float>): - The map with the key value pairs to be replaced Returns: series of strings with the replaced sub-strings
method replace_all(this, stringToNumMap) replace - Replace all the instances of the key sub-string found in the str string with the corresponding value string Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string Parameters: this (string): - The string that will be modified if it contains the key sub-strings stringToNumMap (map<string, float>): - The map with the key value pairs to be replaced Returns: series of strings with the replaced sub-strings
Removed: PairStrStr
Updated documentation
Added announce, legend and desteganographize functions
Improved and refactored some existing functionality for replacement and indentation
v6 Update to pinescript version 6
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