TrailingTakeProfit example

Quite recently I came upon a concept of Trailing Take Profit and I couldn't find a PineScript which implements it for the fastest possible execution, so here it is :)

Everybody knows Trailing StopLoss - an invisible mechanism follows the price and exits the trade once the price retreats too much from its recent most extended favourable value. Trailing TakeProfit does the similar thing, but at the opposite end - the trade gets closed if a price moves too well, in too favourable extent.

Why close the trade if it is going so good? Well, whatever goes up, must go down and vice versa. It is expected, that after fast rally a market will soon fall and after a dump it will go up. So Trailing TakeProfit's role is to secure profits.

But how does Trailing TakeProfit differ from the standard one? "Trailing" means, the exit level is moving. Its role is to be executed only after a rapid favourable move within 1-2 candles, not more. We never know when a rapid move happens, but when it does, we wanna catch those pips and quickly exit without looking back.

Visually Trailing TakeProfit levels are... bands. In this script example these are ATR multiplied bands (aka Keltner Channel), but they could also be Bollinger Bands or something else.

The code is simple just to focus on this single functionality, so you can quickly copy-paste it into your script. Entries are triggered by default SMA crosses.

P.S. I wouldn't be myself, if I didn't add alert messages compatible with the syntax of recently revamped TradingConnector - both in the code already and in the table showing them.

