📚 Cometreon Public Library – Advanced Functions for Pine Script
This library contains advanced functions used in my public indicators on TradingView. The goal is to make the code more modular and efficient, allowing users to call pre-built functions for complex calculations without rewriting them from scratch.
🔹 Currently Available Functions:
1️⃣ Moving Average Function – Provides multiple types of moving averages to choose from, including:
SMA (Simple Moving Average)
EMA (Exponential Moving Average)
WMA (Weighted Moving Average)
RMA (Smoothed Moving Average)
HMA (Hull Moving Average)
JMA (Jurik Moving Average)
DEMA (Double Exponential Moving Average)
TEMA (Triple Exponential Moving Average)
LSMA (Least Squares Moving Average)
VWMA (Volume-Weighted Moving Average)
SMMA (Smoothed Moving Average)
KAMA (Kaufman’s Adaptive Moving Average)
ALMA (Arnaud Legoux Moving Average)
FRAMA (Fractal Adaptive Moving Average)
VIDYA (Variable Index Dynamic Average)
2️⃣ Custom RSI – Uses the Moving Average function to modify the calculation method, with an additional option for a dynamic version.
3️⃣ Custom MACD – Uses the Moving Average function to modify the calculation method, with an additional option for a dynamic version.
4️⃣ Custom Alligator – Uses the Moving Average function to modify generic calculations, allowing users to change the calculation method.
秉持 TradingView 一貫的共享精神,作者將此 Pine 程式碼發佈為開源庫,讓社群中的其他 Pine 程式設計師能夠重複使用。向作者致敬!您可以在私人專案或其他開源發佈中使用此庫,但在公開發佈中重複使用該程式碼需遵守社群規範。