NIFTY - Heatmap [DRK]

Nifty 50 Heatmap by Percentage Change

This Pine Script generates a dynamic heatmap for the top 40 weighted stocks in the Nifty 50 index, ordered by their percentage change. The heatmap visually represents the performance of these stocks, with green indicating positive changes and red indicating negative changes.


Real-time Updates: The heatmap updates in real-time, providing an up-to-date snapshot of market performance.
Color Coding: Stocks are color-coded based on their percentage change, making it easy to identify gainers and losers at a glance.
Future Enhancements:

Indicator : Planned updates include popups or descriptions that provide additional insights, such as key indicators and their positive or negative signals.
Detailed Analysis: Future versions will offer more detailed analysis and insights to help traders make informed decisions.

Stay tuned for these exciting updates!
Breadth IndicatorsCandlestick analysiseducational


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