
Percent Volatility Momentum

This pine script calculates percent volatility momentum, negative percent volatility and positive percent volatility. The blue line is the overall momentum of the current percent volatility trend. The red line only includes negative movements in the percent volatility of the source. The green line includes only positive movements of the percent volatility of the source. The script also includes an angle and a normalized angle setting that allows one to determine the angle of the source curve. Note, the angle was transformed from -90 to 90 to 0 to 100. Such that an angle of -90 is transformed to 0. An angle of 0 is transformed to 50 and an angle of 90 is transformed to 100. This is the first draft of this script and my first pine script published. Any feedback is welcome. I borrowed code from TradingView's Linear Regression Channel and Relative Strength Index pine scripts.
In this updated version, I cleaned up the code and added a simple moving average to the momentum indicator and set the length to be twice the length set for PV +/- values.
Updated chart.
Update to PV momentum variable.
Updated chart per feedback.

