
Market Trading Sessions (TG Fork)

Visualize trading sessions opening hours of several international exchanges on a grid. Contrary to other indicators, this one automatically aligns the session with the current chart's timezone.

This is helpful for bar replay or manual backtesting, to spot patterns of correlations (this can also be used in conjunction with correlation indicators, see my other indicators).

Original indicator by Gunzo, if you like this indicator, please show the original author some love:
{Gunzo} Market Trading Sessions (Tokyo, London, New York)

This indicator is also inspired by the following indicators:
  • ZenAndTheArtOfTrading with
    Trading Session Indicator
  • UnknownUnicorn468659 with
    Timezone Sessions Indicator

This fork implements the following features:
  • Converted to PineScript v5.
  • Adapted default color palette to dark mode, as is the default in TradingView now.
  • Fix drawing issues, now the design shows as it was originally meant to be.
  • Fixed mistiming issue that made some sessions display with a delay compared to the real session, especially the first session was bar at the start of the session was not displayed.
  • Inputted the accurate timings for each session, instead of the default 0800-1600 in the original indicator.

Essentially, you can just add this indicator and it should work out of the box. If not, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it!
Update title in the indicator to be shorter and more in line with the title of the publication (I wanted to use the original + (TG Fork) but it was too long for the system).
Update: shorttitle, typo
Remove useless blank lines at the end

