Library "lib_array" several array functions for chained calls, batch conversion, incrementing and comparing arrays.
method sort(id, descending) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array to sort (and return again) descending (bool): The sort order: order.ascending (default:false, meaning omit this param and just call myArray.sort()) or order.descending => set descending=true return The array that was passed as parameter id
method sort(id, descending) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array to sort (and return again) descending (bool): The sort order: order.ascending (default:false, meaning omit this param and just call myArray.sort()) or order.descending => set descending=true return The array that was passed as parameter id
method sort(id, descending) Namespace types: string[] Parameters: id (string[]): The array to sort (and return again) descending (bool): The sort order: order.ascending (default:false, meaning omit this param and just call myArray.sort()) or order.descending => set descending=true return The array that was passed as parameter id
method increment(id, by_value) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array to increment (and return again) by_value (int): The value by which to increment (default: 1) return The array that was passed as parameter id
method increment(id, by_value) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array to increment (and return again) by_value (float): The value by which to increment (default: 1.0) return The array that was passed as parameter id
method decrement(id, by_value) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array to increment (and return again) by_value (int): The value by which to increment (default: 1) return The array that was passed as parameter id
method decrement(id, by_value) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array to increment (and return again) by_value (float): The value by which to increment (default: 1.0) return The array that was passed as parameter id
method toint(id) Namespace types: string[] Parameters: id (string[]): The array to convert
method toint(id) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array to convert
method tofloat(id) Namespace types: string[] Parameters: id (string[]): The array to convert
method tofloat(id) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array to convert
method tostring(id) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array to convert
method tostring(id) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array to convert
method tobool(id) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array to convert
method tobool(id) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array to convert
method tobool(id) Namespace types: string[] Parameters: id (string[]): The array to convert
method sum(id) Namespace types: bool[] Parameters: id (bool[]): The array to convert
method enqueue(id, item, max, condition, lifo) Namespace types: int[] Parameters: id (int[]): The array that is used as queue item (int): The item to enqueue (at pos 0, unless lifo = true) max (int): The max size of the queue condition (bool): An optional flag that allows disabling the adding, which in turn will prevent for in loops from ever running and save performance where not needed lifo (bool): An optional flag that allows to change the behavior from First In Last Out (default and consistent with pine scripts history operator with most recent elements at index 0) to a more common and resource efficient approach in programming languages: Last In First Out Returns: The queue passed as param id
method enqueue(id, item, max, condition, lifo) Namespace types: float[] Parameters: id (float[]): The array that is used as queue item (float): The item to enqueue (at pos 0, unless lifo = true) max (int): The max size of the queue condition (bool): An optional flag that allows disabling the adding, which in turn will prevent for in loops from ever running and save performance where not needed lifo (bool): An optional flag that allows to change the behavior from First In Last Out (default and consistent with pine scripts history operator with most recent elements at index 0) to a more common and resource efficient approach in programming languages: Last In First Out Returns: The queue passed as param id
method enqueue(id, item, max, condition, lifo) Namespace types: string[] Parameters: id (string[]): The array that is used as queue item (string): The item to enqueue (at pos 0, unless lifo = true) max (int): The max size of the queue condition (bool): An optional flag that allows disabling the adding, which in turn will prevent for in loops from ever running and save performance where not needed lifo (bool): An optional flag that allows to change the behavior from First In Last Out (default and consistent with pine scripts history operator with most recent elements at index 0) to a more common and resource efficient approach in programming languages: Last In First Out Returns: The queue passed as param id
method enqueue(id, item, max, condition, lifo) Namespace types: line[] Parameters: id (line[]): The array that is used as queue item (line): The item to enqueue (at pos 0, unless lifo = true) max (int): The max size of the queue condition (bool): An optional flag that allows disabling the adding, which in turn will prevent for in loops from ever running and save performance where not needed lifo (bool): An optional flag that allows to change the behavior from First In Last Out (default and consistent with pine scripts history operator with most recent elements at index 0) to a more common and resource efficient approach in programming languages: Last In First Out Returns: The queue passed as param id
method enqueue(id, item, max, condition, lifo) Namespace types: box[] Parameters: id (box[]): The array that is used as queue item (box): The item to enqueue (at pos 0, unless lifo = true) max (int): The max size of the queue condition (bool): An optional flag that allows disabling the adding, which in turn will prevent for in loops from ever running and save performance where not needed lifo (bool): An optional flag that allows to change the behavior from First In Last Out (default and consistent with pine scripts history operator with most recent elements at index 0) to a more common and resource efficient approach in programming languages: Last In First Out Returns: The queue passed as param id
update to pine v6
added enum QueueMode
fixed function descriptions not displaying
v3 updated function parameter descriptions for enqueue(mode)
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