Trading Hub 3.0 Juka

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The smart money concept suggests that institutional traders have a greater understanding of the ‎market and often have access to more information than retail traders. Therefore, by analyzing ‎market structure, retail traders can align themselves with the actions of smart money and ‎potentially profit from their moves.
This indicator considerably simplifies the process of identification of market structure for traders ‎based on the TradingHUB-3 technical method. Therefore, it is quite different from the existing ‎market structure or trend detection tools, even the other smart-money-based indicators. ‎

How it works:‎
The indicator starts candlestick analysis from the given start point detecting followings items.

‎1) Identify valid pullbacks (minor Zigzag):‎
Uptrend: In the upward trend, each candle that hits a higher high (HH), acts as our checking candle, ‎and if the next candle hits its low, a valid pullback is formed, and we marked the checking candle as ‎the end of a minor leg. Note that we do not take inside bars into account. If the highest point of the ‎leg hit, the lowest point is marked as the end of pullback leg. On the other hand, if the lowest point of ‎the upward leg is hit, the pullback checking procedure is restarted as a downtrend. Note that the ‎downward checking is restarted from the highest point (previous checking candle).‎
Downtrend: The pullback detection for downtrend follows the reverse procedure of uptrend.‎

‎2) Identify inducements (IDM)‎
The last pullback point (on the minor zigzag) considers as the inducement level. In the uptrend, if ‎the price hit the IDM, the highest point on the major leg is accepted as a major higher high. Note, if ‎the IDM point is equal to a major HL and hit by price, the highest point is accepted as a new HH and ‎the previous HH and LL are deleted (i.e. the HH is transferred).‎
In the downtrend, it acts conversely. ‎

‎ ‎3) Identify valid break of structures (BOS)‎
In the uptrend, if the price closed above the highest point between the previous accepted HH to the ‎current candle, a BOS is accrued, and the lowest point in this time interval is accepted as a higher ‎low (HL). In the downtrend, it acts contrariwise. ‎

‎ ‎4) Identify valid change of characters (Choch)‎
In the uptrend, if the price closed below the lowest point between the previous accepted HL to the ‎current candle, a Choch is accrued, and the major trend changes from uptrend to downtrend, and a ‎new reverse IDM will be detected. In the downtrend, it acts inversely.‎

‎ ‎5) Identify major HH/HL/LL/LH points
By following the above steps, the major higher highs, higher lows, lower highs, and lower lows, as ‎well as the major trend are detected. The major high and lows on the major trend can be displayed ‎by zigzag style or bullet points with corresponding up/down color.‎

