[RD] LCS - line channels (basic) v3 - [republish]

July 18 2019 - [RD] LCS - line channels (basic) by RootDuk

Version : v3 - read the notes


Easy script to draw channels based on ie. GANN using the following
input params

- ibback : barsback to search for high and low
- ffactor : factor to up/downscale the lines
- oextend : extend lines, left, right, both, none
- bshowline : show horizontal lines yes/no
- bsshowdown : show diag down lines yes/no
- bsshowup : show diag up lines yes/no
- bshowindm : show index marker, where is you current ibback

When you use this code, pls let me know where and how you used it
as iam always curious what some can do with it. Thanks!

v2 - July 17 2019
- Removed support wallets from source code. I think the source
- has been deleted because of this, find no other clue.
v3 - July 18 2019
- Republish
