
Low-lag Trendline

We apply the LLT trend timing to daily data of market indices such as the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, Shanghai Composite Index, and Shenzhen Composite Index, and use the tangent method to make direction judgments, obtaining a good risk return situation. Compared to MA trend timing, we found that the LLT model has a shorter timing period and better stability. However, there is a problem with using the tangent method to track trend lines, which is that near the turning point of the trend, the tangent slope is prone to oscillate near zero, resulting in multiple timing judgments and a decrease in accuracy. This is equivalent to embedding a certain stop loss mechanism in the timing model, so we call this type of timing method transactional timing. For the LLT indicator, once the trend is established, holding positions can maintain a relatively long profit period, and although there are many volatile trading times near the inflection point, the holding time is often very short. Therefore, for transactional timing, when the accuracy of judgment is relatively low, the proportion of correct judgment time is often high, and profits mainly come from this part of the contribution.


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