
Ultimate Moving Average [CC+RedK]

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The Ultimate Moving Average was created by myself and RedKTrader and I can proudly say that this is the holy grail of moving averages. Not only does this moving average react to the current price trends like a normal moving average but we have also included the ability to react to volume, momentum, and volatility. The only thing this moving average can't do is wash your car.

The Ultimate Moving Average doesn't even use a set length so it is fully adaptable to any type of market whether it is choppy or trending. It tightens during volatile markets and loosens during choppy markets. I have included 3 of the main moving averages of a fixed length of 20 days to show you just how much better our moving average is.

The overall concept of this moving average was to fully adapt to any and all changes of the underlying stock. We used my Variable Power Weighted Moving Average as a base and changed the script to adapt to momentum instead. The idea behind this was when momentum reaches an extreme in either direction we tighten the moving average to be able to react accordingly. We then used the idea behind my Variable Length Moving Average to be able to react to volatility and make the length itself into a separate variable.

All of this work combined to create the most reactive moving average out there and I guarantee you will be using this in your daily trading! Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish.
Fixed issue with the indicator if there is no volume and added extra smoothing to provide clearer buy and sell signals
Provided an extra fix in case volume is nan or 0
Fixed some issues that were pointed out to me by RedKTrader
Updated to version 5
Fixed a bug pointed out to me by Linktind
Increased max bars back to 3000 to fix issue with some forex not being able to load it on a chart properly

