TradingView enables traders and investors to make smarter and better investment decisions. TradingView offers to scan 20 or 40 stock or index. Scanner can be shown in dash board as shown in
above image. This dashboard has following figure

1.Column No.1 show sectoral and thematic index.

2. The price is slipped due to aggressive order punched by market participants. There is six types of price slippage. Three are bullish and three are bearish . This price slippage indicates market fear and greed. Green slippage indicates that bullish rally can start while Red slippage indicates that Bearish rally can start. Area of slippage will act as a support and resistance for future price moment. Where column No. 2,3 and 4 shows H.G., W.G. and T.V. shows price slippage.

3.Column No.6 show resistance strength

4.Column No.7 show Volume strength with respect to ( SMA1000X2)

5.Column No.8 show volatility while Column No. 9 shows liquidity
with previous 1000 bar.

6.Column No.10 show relative strength comparison with respect to broader index.
