
ICT opening price line

Shows you the opening price of a certain time of day. I will show as line starting from the time selected and ending a few bars into the future. Available times are the ones ICT said are relevant for framing a premium and discount using opening prices: 00:00, 8:30 and 13:30. To show all 3 you have to add the indicator 3 times.
The script offers some customization on how the line should look line and if you want a label telling the time of it after the line.
updated chart
Now all (0:00, 8:30, 9:30, 13:30 EST) can be displayed at the same time so the indicator does not have to be added several times to a chart. They now can now individually get dis-/enabled in the options.
The indicator options got a little overhaul too to make them easier on the eye
