Carl's BOTTOM DETECTOR: Williams %R + normalized ATR
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This script is based on Williams %r and normalized ATR. When William%R indicates extreme oversold conditions and the ATR indicates extreme volatility at the same time, then it prints an arrow below the candle. It is based on the concept that swing lows and market bottoms are characterized by extreme oversold momentum and extreme volatility. The highest tf's like the daily, show you perfect market bottoms for btc. If you zoom in it's still good to find swing highs and lows, if necessary you can tweak the settings.
Next to that I added grey, red, and green vertical bands to the chart. This is based on the VIX, the SPX volatility index. Whenever the volatility of the S&P500 crosses above a specific level it prints a colored background band behind the candle. Grey means high volatility, red extreme volatility (like in the covid crisis and 2008 crisis), and green means the same as grey, but indicates it came after a red zone and could mean strong bullish bounce momentum. You can tweak the thresholds for the grey/green and read areas.