Library "MathEasingFunctions" A collection of Easing functions. Easing functions are commonly used for smoothing actions over time, They are used to smooth out the sharp edges of a function and make it more pleasing to the eye, like for example the motion of a object through time. Easing functions can be used in a variety of applications, including animation, video games, and scientific simulations. They are a powerful tool for creating realistic visual effects and can help to make your work more engaging and enjoyable to the eye. --- Includes functions for ease in, ease out, and, ease in and out, for the following constructs: sine, quadratic, cubic, quartic, quintic, exponential, elastic, circle, back, bounce. --- Reference:
ease_in_sine_unbound(v) Sinusoidal function, the position over elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_sine(v) Sinusoidal function, the position over elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_sine_unbound(v) Sinusoidal function, the position over elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_sine(v) Sinusoidal function, the position over elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_sine_unbound(v) Sinusoidal function, the position over elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_sine(v) Sinusoidal function, the position over elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_quad_unbound(v) Quadratic function, the position equals the square of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_quad(v) Quadratic function, the position equals the square of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_quad_unbound(v) Quadratic function, the position equals the square of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_quad(v) Quadratic function, the position equals the square of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_quad_unbound(v) Quadratic function, the position equals the square of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_quad(v) Quadratic function, the position equals the square of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_cubic_unbound(v) Cubic function, the position equals the cube of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_cubic(v) Cubic function, the position equals the cube of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_cubic_unbound(v) Cubic function, the position equals the cube of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_cubic(v) Cubic function, the position equals the cube of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_cubic_unbound(v) Cubic function, the position equals the cube of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_cubic(v) Cubic function, the position equals the cube of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_quart_unbound(v) Quartic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^4` of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_quart(v) Quartic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^4` of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_quart_unbound(v) Quartic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^4` of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_quart(v) Quartic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^4` of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_quart_unbound(v) Quartic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^4` of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_quart(v) Quartic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^4` of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_quint_unbound(v) Quintic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^5` of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_quint(v) Quintic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^5` of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_quint_unbound(v) Quintic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^5` of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_quint(v) Quintic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^5` of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_quint_unbound(v) Quintic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^5` of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_quint(v) Quintic function, the position equals the formula `f(t)=t^5` of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_expo_unbound(v) Exponential function, the position equals the exponential formula of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_expo(v) Exponential function, the position equals the exponential formula of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_expo_unbound(v) Exponential function, the position equals the exponential formula of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_expo(v) Exponential function, the position equals the exponential formula of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_expo_unbound(v) Exponential function, the position equals the exponential formula of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_expo(v) Exponential function, the position equals the exponential formula of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_circ_unbound(v) Circular function, the position equals the circular formula of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_circ(v) Circular function, the position equals the circular formula of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_circ_unbound(v) Circular function, the position equals the circular formula of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_circ(v) Circular function, the position equals the circular formula of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_circ_unbound(v) Circular function, the position equals the circular formula of elapsed time (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_circ(v) Circular function, the position equals the circular formula of elapsed time (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_back_unbound(v) Back function, the position retreats a bit before resuming (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_back(v) Back function, the position retreats a bit before resuming (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_back_unbound(v) Back function, the position retreats a bit before resuming (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_back(v) Back function, the position retreats a bit before resuming (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_back_unbound(v) Back function, the position retreats a bit before resuming (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_back(v) Back function, the position retreats a bit before resuming (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_elastic_unbound(v) Elastic function, the position oscilates back and forth like a spring (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_elastic(v) Elastic function, the position oscilates back and forth like a spring (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_elastic_unbound(v) Elastic function, the position oscilates back and forth like a spring (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_elastic(v) Elastic function, the position oscilates back and forth like a spring (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_elastic_unbound(v) Elastic function, the position oscilates back and forth like a spring (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_elastic(v) Elastic function, the position oscilates back and forth like a spring (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_bounce_unbound(v) Bounce function, the position bonces from the boundery (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_bounce(v) Bounce function, the position bonces from the boundery (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_bounce_unbound(v) Bounce function, the position bonces from the boundery (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_out_bounce(v) Bounce function, the position bonces from the boundery (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_bounce_unbound(v) Bounce function, the position bonces from the boundery (unbound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
ease_in_out_bounce(v) Bounce function, the position bonces from the boundery (bound). Parameters: v (float): `float` Elapsed time. Returns: Ratio of change.
select(v, formula, effect, bounded) Parameters: v (float) formula (string) effect (string) bounded (bool)
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