TeoTrading 38 - Moving Average Crossover - Long-Short
With this indicator you can obtain the percent of gain / loss of each trade based on Moving Average Crossover.
Prints different types of moving Average: SMA , EMA , WMA and VWMA.
It is usefull to view in only few minutes differents crossovers.
The crossver´s in LONG Trades are indicated with: "P": Positive Crossover. Open a Long Trade. Green: Negative Crossover with gain. Close the Long Trade. Red: Negative Crossover with Loss. Close the Long Trade.
The crossver´s in SHORT Trades are indicated with: "N": Negative Crossover. Open a Short Trade. Green: Positive Crossover with gain. Close the Short Trade. Red: Positive Crossover with Loss. Close the Short Trade.
The Percents of gain and loss are indicated in the Labels.
Input Parameters:
Type of Trade: Long/Short. Type_: Type of Moving Average. PrintPrice: Enable open value print. Fast: Fast Moving Average. Slow: Slow Moving Average.
This indicator does not generate recommendations to buy or to sell. It was designed ONLY for educational purposes.