MAMA (Ehlers) MESA Adaptive Moving Average

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MAMA ( Ehlers ) MESA Adaptive Moving Average:
What it is and how it works
MESA Phasor is the most advanced futures trading program on the market!
MESA Phasor derives its name from the sinewave generator you probably recall from your high school trigonometry class. As you can see in the diagram, the rotating phasor generates a sine wave in the time domain, visualized as a shadow from the arrow tip of the phasor on the vertical axis. A cycle is completed on each full rotation of the phasor. The angle of the phasor increases at a constant rate, and is reset to zero when 360 degrees of rotation have been achieved. The idea of the trading system is to buy low at the valley of the sine wave , when phasor passes the lower angle, and to sell short at the crest of the sine wave , when the phasor passes the upper angle. Now the trade entries and exits are defined in terms of angles, which are in the frequency domain. Therefore, trading decisions are removed from waveform vagaries in the time domain. This means that the trading decisions are robust across various futures contracts and across all kinds of market conditions.

