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PRISM Signals is an advance algorithm designed to generate bullish/bearish signals derived from the scoring of the PRISM oscillators set as its driving engine, with >1000 lines of code.

The PRISM Oscillator Set consists of:
(1) A modified-pSAR derived main driving oscillator (P-Oscillator).
(2) With MAJeStic (Momentum, Acceleration, Jerk, Snap) Oscillators Set (M-, A-, J-, S-Oscillators respectively).

Users are advised to manually back-test and optimize the settings for a particular chart and time frame, before proceeding with its use.

This script is typically used in conjunction with the Cyber Ensemble signaling algorithm -- another sophisticated signaling script base on the interplay of an ensemble of optimized indicators and market state filters; as well as the PRISM oscillators set.

Note: In no way is this intended as a financial/investment/trading advice. You are responsible for your own investment/trade decisions.

