🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Average Cap & Top Cap -Cryptorhythms

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🔗Blockchain Fundamentals - Average Cap & Top Cap (Marketcap Alternatives)


Last one for a couple days but then I will be back! Here are the marketcap alternatives Average Cap (created by Renato Shirakashi) and Top Cap (created by Willy Woo).


Average Cap

This is the "forever" moving average of Market Cap. The cumulative sum of daily Market Cap values divided by the age of the market in days.

Top Cap

Willy Woo: "I found historically 35x Average Cap picks the market top. This 'Top Cap' together with Delta Cap creates a 'Valuation Bollinger Band'. Top Cap helps us estimate the next top, I would guess at 90k as a minimum (on the early trajectory). Top Cap is very experimental."

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