
7EMA_5MA (G/D + Bias + 12/26 Signal)

4 285
This script alow you to survey multiple crossing signals as Golden/Death cross (MA50/200), Institutional Bias (EMA9/18), or EMA 12/26 crossing. You can show/hide all EMAs/MAs and show/hide all signals. Default config displays EMA 50/100/200 and MA 20. Full script includes display of EMA 9/18/12/26/50/100/200 and MA 20/21/50/100/200.
This is a much more complicated version of my first moving average script.

New version improvement :

- Golden & Death cross are now based only on daily SMA 50 & daily SMA 200, daily based signal stays on all TFs (Fully modifiable : SMA Value & multiTF)
- Buy & Sell Signals are now based only on daily EMA 22 & EMA 52 crossing, daily based signal stays on all TFs (Fully modifiable : EMA Value & MultiTF)
- adding persistent Multi TimeFrame EMAs and SMAs : persistent Weekly SMA 20 (yellow), Daily SMA 21 (skyblue), Daily SMA 50/100/200 (deepblue), Daily EMA 12/26 (white) & Daily EMA 50/100/200 (red). (Fully modifiable)

The script is made for receiving further modifications, you can add more MultiTF EMA/SMA by deleting the double slash (//) in "MA ENTRIES" and 'PLOT MENU" sections.

Insitutional Bias Signal and 12/26 bull/bear crossing Signal is still available on all TFs.
Default config keeps showing SMA 20/21/50/100/200 (300/400) and EMA 12/26/50/100/200 (300/400)

This script is mostly made for users who don't want to use a TradingView paid plan and who want a powerfull multitool EMA indicator ALL IN ONE.

Take your time to get used of the configuration panel. Enjoy.
This is a much more complicated version of my first moving average script.

New version improvement :

- Golden & Death cross are now based only on daily SMA 50 & daily SMA 200, daily based signal stays on all TFs (Fully modifiable : SMA Value & multiTF)
- Buy & Sell Signals are now based only on daily EMA 22 & EMA 52 crossing, daily based signal stays on all TFs (Fully modifiable : EMA Value & MultiTF)
- adding persistent Multi TimeFrame EMAs and SMAs : persistent Weekly SMA 20 (yellow), Daily SMA 21 (skyblue), Daily SMA 50/100/200 (deepblue), Daily EMA 12/26 (white) & Daily EMA 50/100/200 (red). (Fully modifiable)

The script is made for receiving further modifications, you can add more MultiTF EMA/SMA by deleting the double slash (//) in "MA ENTRIES" and 'PLOT MENU" sections.

Insitutional Bias Signal and 12/26 bull/bear crossing Signal is still available on all TFs.
Default config keeps showing SMA 20/21/50/100/200 (300/400) and EMA 12/26/50/100/200 (300/400)

This script is mostly made for users who don't want to use a TradingView paid plan and who want a powerfull multitool EMA indicator ALL IN ONE.

Take your time to get used of the configuration panel. Enjoy.

