R100 Volatility Combo Bands v1 (*v*)

The Volatility Combo Bands are made from 4 separate volatility bands- two Bollinger Bands (10 and 20 period) and two Price Headley Acceleration Bands (10 and 20 period). The Volatility Combo Bands plot the innermost upper and lower points from these bands and then plots a mid-line. By default, only the standard 20 period Bollinger Bands and Combo Bands with mid-line are displayed, but can be configured however you want.

Try it out- see squeezes earlier, ride the bands earlier in trending markets, trade pullbacks to the Combo Bands and mid-line, trade the range of the band or use them to help identify potential support and resistance levels. Hopefully they can add another dimension to identifying volatility contraction patterns or whatever you currently use these things for!

I hope you get some value out of it. Only conditions of use are that if you improve it, let me know and if you publish something that uses it, don't hide the code! Enjoy!

Code for the Price Headley Acceleration Bands pinched and modified from LazyBear - thankyou.
