Wasabi BuySell Indicator (aka. Jeon-Nah-Goo BuySell)

Wasabi BuySell Indicator (aka. Jeon-Nah-Goo BuySell)

Hello, everybody!

This is Wasabi.

I have lifted the restriction of 3-week no-display mode in this version.

Therefore, this will only be selectively relesed to some invited people who have requested for the indicator via the request form found either in my Status section or at the end of the page.

This indicator is
1) to show buy signals in a downward divergence of two moving averages
i) when the faster moving average crosses under the slower moving average
ii) and at same time when the bar crosses under the faster moving average

2) and to show sell signals in an upward divergence of two moving averages
i) when the faster moving average crosses above the slower moving average
ii) and at same time when the bar crosses above the faster moving average

As of now, the default factor values set in the settings have been designed for BTCUSD market(Bitstamp exchange)'s weekly chart.
You will have to find and change the factor values for other market or crypto currencies.

You can specify the following factors in the settings:
- The number of periods for the slower moving average(MA)
- The number of periods for the faster moving average(MA)
- The coefficient factor of the faster MA to the slower MA for Buy signal
- The coefficient factor of the faster MA to the slower MA for Sell signal
- The multiples of the last All Time High for Village-saving person(aka. Jeon-Mah-Goo)
- The multiples of the last All Time High for Country-saving person(aka. Jeon-Nah-Goo)

Hope you have all great trading!

현 보조지표 "Wasabi BuySell Indicator (aka. Jeon-Nah-Goo 전.나.구. BuySell)"는 장/단기 이평선이 과도한 역배열일때 매수신호를, 과도한 정배열일 때 매도신호를 내고,
설정에서 입력한 장/단기이평선 비율계수에 의해 과도한 정도를 계산하여 매수/매도신호를 내도록하는 보조 지표입니다.

현 보조지표는 3주 표시잠금 해제된 실시간용입니다.

현재 기본 설정값은 비트스템프 거래소 비트코인 주봉차트에 대한 설정값입니다.

각 암호화폐마다 맞는 설정값은 제가 올린 다른 각 암호화폐 적용한 <아이디어>를 참고해서 설정값 적용 예를 보시기 바랍니다.

<설정>에서 각 암호화폐/주식/상품등에 맞는 설정값을 수정 입력할 수 있습니다.
Added English titles in the settings.
Fixed some typos.
BTCUSDMoving Averages


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