The Divergent Library is only useful when combined with the Pro version of The Divergent - Advanced divergence indicator. This is because the Basic (free) version of The Divergent does not expose the "Divergence Signal" value.
Usage instructions:
1. Create a new chart 2. Add The Divergent (Pro) indicator to your chart 3. Create a new strategy, import this library, add a "source" input, link it to "The Divergent: Divergence Signal", and use the library to decode the divergence signals from The Divergent (You can find example strategy code published in our profile) 4. Act on the divergences signalled by The Divergent
isRegularBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent. Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent. Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isRegularBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent. Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent. Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
getPivotDetectionSource(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Source' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Oscillator" or "Price". Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: One of the following string values: "Oscillator" or "Price".
getPivotDetectionMode(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Mode' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Bodies" or "Wicks". Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: One of the following string values: "Bodies" or "Wicks".
isLinked(context) Returns a boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator. Parameters: context: The context of The Divergent Library. Returns: A boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
init(firstBarSignal, displayLinkStatus, debug) Initialises The Divergent Library's context with the signal produced by The Divergent on the first bar. The value returned from this function is called the "context of The Divergent Library". Some of the other functions of this library requires you to pass in this context. Parameters: firstBarSignal: The signal from The Divergent indicator on the first bar. displayLinkStatus: A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should be displayed in the bottom left corner of the chart. Defaults to true. debug: A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should display debug information. Defaults to false. Returns: A bool[] array containing the context of The Divergent Library.
processSignal(signal) Processes a signal from The Divergent and returns a 5-tuple with the decoded signal: [[]int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd]. `divergenceType` can be one of the following values: na → No divergence was detected, 1 → Regular Bullish, 2 → Regular Bullish early, 3 → Hidden Bullish, 4 → Hidden Bullish early, 5 → Regular Bearish, 6 → Regular Bearish early, 7 → Hidden Bearish, 8 → Hidden Bearish early. Parameters: signal: The signal from The Divergent indicator. Returns: A 5-tuple with the following values: [[]int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd].
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