Dynamic Relative Strength

Mainly this indicator is a Relative strength indicator which tells us about the strength of a scrip as compared to an index . That is it outperforming the index or underperforming . Outperformance signifies Strength and Under performance signifies Weakness .Inspired from Bharat trader's Relative Strength of a stock , but changing the period for all time frames is a hassle so i have set 10 period for Monthly and 52 period for Weekly. As for monthly we need around 10 months data or we can use 12 as 1 year has 12 months but 10 works best . used 52 period for Weekly time frame because there are 52 weeks in a year. These values are by default dynamically applied to the indicator when weekly or monthly timeframes are chosen . Daily Period can be chosen as per anyone's need . As can be seen in provided screenshot , that the stock has recently started gaining strength on weekly a compared to Small cap100 index . So we can conclude that it has more strength than the overall index it is representing so more chances of outperformance will be there.
Mainly this indicator is a Relative strength indicator which tells us about the strength of a scrip as compared to an index . That is it outperforming the index or underperforming . Outperformance signifies Strength and Under performance signifies Weakness .Inspired from Bharat trader's Relative Strength of a stock , but changing the period for all time frames is a hassle so i have set 10 period for Monthly and 52 period for Weekly. As for monthly we need around 10 months data or we can use 12 as 1 year has 12 months but 10 works best . used 52 period for Weekly time frame because there are 52 weeks in a year. These values are by default dynamically applied to the indicator when weekly or monthly timeframes are chosen . Daily Period can be chosen as per anyone's need . As can be seen in provided screenshot , that the stock has recently started gaining strength on weekly a compared to Small cap100 index . So we can conclude that it has more strength than the overall index it is representing so more chances of outperformance will be there.
Added Option to change Monthly and Weekly Period
relativestrengthTrend Analysis


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