It draws a Simple Media Mobile of 21 days (MM21days) in blue and draws a MM200days in yellow , despite the time frame is Days, Hours or Seconds.
Indicator based in Prof ALEXIS TSCHUBAROV 's strategy . It calculates the max dispersion in percent between the MM21days and the ticker price inside the time frame.
Over the last candle write a coloured globe depending on the dispersion with the latest stock price:
blue : dispersion < 8%
green : dispersion < 16%
orange: dispersion < 23%
yellow : dispersion < 25%
red : dispersion >= 25%
The globe show inside:
last stock price
Azul NN.NN% : dispersion between MM21days and the last stock price
Ama NN.NN% : dispersion between MM200days and the last stock price
CCL average ( contado con liqui dolar price in ARS )
tiker's CCL ( contado con liqui dolar price in ARS )
Colored dots over MM21days depends the value between MM21days and the max dispersion of the candle :
none dot : dispersion < 8%
green dot: dispersion < 16%
orange dot: dispersion < 23%
yellow dot: dispersion < 25%
red dot: dispersion >= 25%
Show over the candle when Buy or Sell
The criteria when buy or sell are:
When the closed stock price crosses the MM21days
When the dispersion with the MM21days exceed the 25%
Alarm when sell , when buy
Alarm dispersion reaches 23%
ask for more CCL tickers price.
Alexandermonday ( a brusa )