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Based on LazyBear 8MA I decided to do something similar for my personal use. I created an "Alligator" which works with 4 EMA lines and without "future" prediction, it will show you the most recent trend only, creating a later call than the original alligator yet a more precise one. Then there are the 3 MA with huge periods, including 30,50,100. This allows the trader to have a more general idea of the trend compared to that of the 4EMA's which in fact give more value to the current trend. You can change all colors and values.

As you can see in the graph both EMA & MA work great together. For instance look the blue circle, EMA "Alligator" was crossed giving entry for an early call (which was right), and later on the MA's crossed too! Giving the indication a huge trend was about to appear.

NOTE: Follow my predictions under your own risk. I apreciate all constructive feedback and support on how to improve. Thank you.

