Security issue

3 379
source of code of no repaint by Duyck
security free MTF example - JD

source of code fix by i Think Quansium ( please correct me if i am wrong) ,great reading I have to say
please read what he suggest . i try his way but sadly it did not work as i wish . that why i change to this soulution

Here i just took the great work of this two folks (amazing geniuses)
and try to combine them so the non repaint, no security source of the close MTF will look exact as the repaint one.
so this soultion try to create realible source with no security that look exact as the repaint source with the security
all thanks to the above authors
I just put here so maybe someone in the TV comunity move forward the issue how to fix the security issue
and by that we can create great indicators if it fix
so the no repaint named no security (red color)
repaint is green color
as you see they aligh very nice with no different
sadly if I try to put barmerge on this solution does not work (need to find why??)
so maybe you have better solutions?
I hope thios would help coders to make better MTF until TV fix the issue with security

