MondayOpen Gap strategy

2 955
This strategy open orders on first bar of the week if there is a gap with Friday close price.
First bar could be on Sunday or on Monday, it depends on broker time.

Adjust starting hour with broker time. Use arrows to help finding correct broker time.
Also you should adjust gap size and exit hour.
Do not place on Daily charts.

Please use comment section for any feedback.
Next improvement (only to whom is interested to this script and follows me): study with alerts on multiple tickers all at one. Leave a comment if you want to have access to study.

********************************** IMPORTANT*******************************
I have developed an expert advisor for metatrader4 (MT4) and for jforex platform: results of expert advisor form 2015-01-01 to 2018-11-25 are very good with low drawdown and good profit.

