FunctionLAPACKdtrsmLibrary "FunctionLAPACKdtrsm"
subroutine in the LAPACK:linear algebra package, used to solve one of the following matrix equations:
op( A )*X = alpha*B, or X*op( A ) = alpha*B,
where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or
non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix and op( A ) is one of
op( A ) = A or op( A ) = A**T.
The matrix X is overwritten on B.
dtrsm(side, uplo, transa, diag, m, n, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb)
solves one of the matrix equations
op( A )*X = alpha*B, or X*op( A ) = alpha*B,
where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or
non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix and op( A ) is one of
op( A ) = A or op( A ) = A**T.
The matrix X is overwritten on B.
side : string , On entry, SIDE specifies whether op( A ) appears on the left or right of X as follows:
SIDE = 'L' or 'l' op( A )*X = alpha*B.
SIDE = 'R' or 'r' X*op( A ) = alpha*B.
uplo : string , specifies whether the matrix A is an upper or lower triangular matrix as follows:
UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix.
UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix.
transa : string , specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in the matrix multiplication as follows:
TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' op( A ) = A.
TRANSA = 'T' or 't' op( A ) = A**T.
TRANSA = 'C' or 'c' op( A ) = A**T.
diag : string , specifies whether or not A is unit triangular as follows:
DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular.
DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit triangular.
m : int , the number of rows of B. M must be at least zero.
n : int , the number of columns of B. N must be at least zero.
alpha : float , specifies the scalar alpha. When alpha is zero then A is not referenced and B need not be set before entry.
a : matrix, Triangular matrix.
lda : int , specifies the first dimension of A.
b : matrix, right-hand side matrix B, and on exit is overwritten by the solution matrix X.
ldb : int , specifies the first dimension of B.
Returns: void, modifies matrix b.
dtrsm ('L', 'U', 'N', 'N', 5, 3, 1.0, a, 7, b, 6)
BoxLine_LibLibrary "BoxLine_Lib"
personal Library for line and box built in functions
get x1,y1,x2,y2 in a tuple
x : TODO: line
Returns: tuple of x1,y1,x2,y2
Create line with only the y1 value(when line == na) or all
when line != na set x1,y1,x2,y2 individually just 1 or all
- use just the line value to set the x2 to current bar or time will set to time
- will auto pick xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time if not used
x : (line line,int x1,float y1,int x2,float y2,
string xloc,string extend,color color,string style,int width)
Returns: Line
get left,top,right,bottom in a tuple
x : box
Returns: tuple of left,top,right,bottom
Create line with only the top,bottom value(when line == na) or all
when box != na set left,top,right,bottom individually just 1 or all
- use just the box value to set the right to current bar or time will set to time
- if right is above a number that a bar_index wouldnt be
x : box box,int left,float top,int right,
float bottom,color border_color, int border_width,
string border_style,string extend,string xloc,
color bgcolor,string text,string text_size, color text_color,
string text_halign,string text_valign,string text_wrap)
Returns: TODO: Box
HelperFunctionsLibrary "HelperFunctions"
A collection of my most used functions
Apply one of Pine Script's built-in smoothing functions to a series
calcLibrary "calc"
Library for math functions. will expand over time.
split(_sumTotal, _divideBy, _forceMinimum, _haltOnError)
Split a large number into integer sized chunks
_sumTotal : (int) Total numbert of items
_divideBy : (int) Groups to make
_forceMinimum : (bool) force minimum number 1/group
_haltOnError : (bool) force error if too few groups
Returns: int array of items per group
UtilityFunctionsLibrary "UtilityFunctions"
Utility functions written by me
Prints string in a label on the last bar
string : value to print
Returns: void
Prints float in a label on the last bar
float : value to print
Returns: void
Prints a float series in labels in reverse (the first value is on the last candle, the second value is on the second to last candle, etc.)
series : float values to print
Returns: void
Returns true/false if the period is Daily based (1D, 3D, ...)
string : timeframe period
Returns: true/false
Gets the mutliplier of the timeframe passed compared to the current timeframe. If current TF is 5m and the passed timeframe period is 30m, the result will be 6
string : timeframe param
Returns: simple float of the multiplier
percentageLibLibrary "percentageLib"
: every thing need anout percentage
getPercentage(entry, exit)
: get percentage change of of two value
entry : : value of entry price
exit : : value of exit price
Returns: : negative or positive value
applyPercentageNoAddUp(price, percentage)
: apply percentage change on value decrease or increase
price : : value of price
percentage : : percentage change can be negative or positive
Returns: : return only positive value
applyPercentageAddUp(price, percentage)
: apply percentage change on value decrease or increase
price : : value of price
percentage : : percentage change can be negative or positive
Returns: : return only positive value
: get percentage (positive or negative) and return the percentage need to back to previous price
percentage : : percentage change can be negative or positive
Returns: : return positive/negative value
@example : reversePercentage(10) =>11.11111111111111111111111 , reversePercentage(10) =>9.0909090909090909
getReversePercentage(price, percentage)
: get two prices and return the percentage need to back to previous price
price : : value of price
percentage : : percentage change can be negative or positive
Returns: : return only positive value
@example : getReversePercentage(100,90) =>11.11111111111111111111111
xor logical operatorLibrary "xor"
xor(a, b)
xor: Exclusive or, or exclusive disjunction is a logical operation that is true if and only if its arguments differ (one is true, the other is false).
a : first argument
b : second argument
Returns: returns xor (true only if a and b are true, but not both)
true xor true = false
true xor false = true
false xor true = true
false xor false = false
Moving_AveragesLibrary "Moving_Averages"
This library contains majority important moving average functions with int series support. Which means that they can be used with variable length input. For conventional use, please use tradingview built-in ta functions for moving averages as they are more precise. I'll use functions in this library for my other scripts with dynamic length inputs.
ema(src, len)
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Moving Average with Series Int Support (EMA)
alma(src, len, a_offset, a_sigma)
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
src : Source
len : Period
a_offset : Arnaud Legoux offset
a_sigma : Arnaud Legoux sigma
Returns: Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
covwema(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
covwma(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
dema(src, len)
DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
edsma(src, len, ssfLength, ssfPoles)
EDSMA - Ehlers Deviation Scaled Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
ssfLength : EDSMA - Super Smoother Filter Length
ssfPoles : EDSMA - Super Smoother Filter Poles
Returns: Ehlers Deviation Scaled Moving Average (EDSMA)
eframa(src, len, FC, SC)
Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
FC : Lower Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
SC : Upper Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
Returns: Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
ehma(src, len)
EHMA - Exponential Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Hull Moving Average (EHMA)
etma(src, len)
Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
frama(src, len)
Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA)
hma(src, len)
HMA - Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Hull Moving Average (HMA)
jma(src, len, jurik_phase, jurik_power)
Jurik Moving Average - JMA
src : Source
len : Period
jurik_phase : Jurik (JMA) Only - Phase
jurik_power : Jurik (JMA) Only - Power
Returns: Jurik Moving Average (JMA)
kama(src, len, k_fastLength, k_slowLength)
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
k_fastLength : Number of periods for the fastest exponential moving average
k_slowLength : Number of periods for the slowest exponential moving average
Returns: Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
kijun(_high, _low, len, kidiv)
Kijun v2
_high : High value of bar
_low : Low value of bar
len : Period
kidiv : Kijun MOD Divider
Returns: Kijun v2
lsma(src, len, offset)
LSMA/LRC - Least Squares Moving Average / Linear Regression Curve
src : Source
len : Period
offset : Offset
Returns: Least Squares Moving Average (LSMA)/ Linear Regression Curve (LRC)
mf(src, len, beta, feedback, z)
MF - Modular Filter
src : Source
len : Period
beta : Modular Filter, General Filter Only - Beta
feedback : Modular Filter Only - Feedback
z : Modular Filter Only - Feedback Weighting
Returns: Modular Filter (MF)
rma(src, len)
RMA - RSI Moving average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: RSI Moving average (RMA)
sma(src, len)
SMA - Simple Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Simple Moving Average (SMA)
smma(src, len)
Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA)
stma(src, len)
Simple Triangular Moving Average (STMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Simple Triangular Moving Average (STMA)
tema(src, len)
TEMA - Triple Exponential Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
thma(src, len)
THMA - Triple Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Triple Hull Moving Average (THMA)
vama(src, len, volatility_lookback)
VAMA - Volatility Adjusted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
volatility_lookback : Volatility lookback length
Returns: Volatility Adjusted Moving Average (VAMA)
vidya(src, len)
Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
vwma(src, len)
Volume-Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Volume-Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
wma(src, len)
WMA - Weighted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
zema(src, len)
Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
zsma(src, len)
Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
evwma(src, len)
EVWMA - Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average (EVWMA)
tt3(src, len, a1_t3)
Tillson T3
src : Source
len : Period
a1_t3 : Tillson T3 Volume Factor
Returns: Tillson T3
gma(src, len)
GMA - Geometric Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Geometric Moving Average (GMA)
wwma(src, len)
WWMA - Welles Wilder Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Welles Wilder Moving Average (WWMA)
ama(src, _high, _low, len, ama_f_length, ama_s_length)
AMA - Adjusted Moving Average
src : Source
_high : High value of bar
_low : Low value of bar
len : Period
ama_f_length : Fast EMA Length
ama_s_length : Slow EMA Length
Returns: Adjusted Moving Average (AMA)
cma(src, len)
Corrective Moving average (CMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Corrective Moving average (CMA)
gmma(src, len)
Geometric Mean Moving Average (GMMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Geometric Mean Moving Average (GMMA)
ealf(src, len, LAPercLen_, FPerc_)
Ehler's Adaptive Laguerre filter (EALF)
src : Source
len : Period
LAPercLen_ : Median Length
FPerc_ : Median Percentage
Returns: Ehler's Adaptive Laguerre filter (EALF)
elf(src, len, LAPercLen_, FPerc_)
ELF - Ehler's Laguerre filter
src : Source
len : Period
LAPercLen_ : Median Length
FPerc_ : Median Percentage
Returns: Ehler's Laguerre Filter (ELF)
edma(src, len)
Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
pnr(src, len, rank_inter_Perc_)
PNR - percentile nearest rank
src : Source
len : Period
rank_inter_Perc_ : Rank and Interpolation Percentage
Returns: Percentile Nearest Rank (PNR)
pli(src, len, rank_inter_Perc_)
PLI - Percentile Linear Interpolation
src : Source
len : Period
rank_inter_Perc_ : Rank and Interpolation Percentage
Returns: Percentile Linear Interpolation (PLI)
rema(src, len)
Range EMA (REMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Range EMA (REMA)
sw_ma(src, len)
Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
vwap(src, len)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
mama(src, len)
MAMA - MESA Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA)
fama(src, len)
FAMA - Following Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Following Adaptive Moving Average (FAMA)
hkama(src, len)
HKAMA - Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (HKAMA)
Price Displacement - Candlestick (OHLC) CalculationsA Magical little helper friend for Candle Math.
When composing scripts, it is often necessary to manipulate the math around the OHLC. At times, you want a scalar (absolute) value others you want a vector (+/-). Sometimes you want the open - close and sometimes you want just the positive number of the body size. You might want it in ticks or you might want it in points or you might want in percentages. And every time you try to put it together you waste precious time and brain power trying to think about how to properly structure what you're looking for. Not to mention it's normally not that aesthetically pleasing to look at in the code.
So, this fixes all of that.
Using this library. A function like '' can call any kind of candlestick math you need. The function returns the candlestick math you define using particular expressions.
Candle Math Functions Include:
pt(_exp) Absolute Point Displacement. Point quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
vpt(_exp) Vector Point Displacement. Point quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
tick(_exp) Absolute Tick Displacement. Tick quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
vtick(_exp) Vector Tick Displacement. Tick quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
pct(_exp, _prec) Absolute Percent Displacement. (w/rounding overload). Percent quantity of bar range of given size parameters according to _exp.
vpct(_exp, _prec) Vector Percent Displacement (w/rounding overload). Percent quantity of bar range of given size parameters according to _exp.
Expressions You Can Use with Formulas:
The expressions are simple (simple strings that is) and I did my best to make them sensible, generally using just the ohlc abreviations. I also included uw, lw, bd, and rg for when you're just trying to pull a candle component out. That way you don't have to think about which of the ohlc you're trying to get just use pd.tick("uw") and now the variable is assigned the length of the upper wick, absolute value, in ticks. If you wanted the vector in pts its pd.vpt("uw"). It also makes changing things easy too as I write it out.
Expression List:
"oh" = open - high
"ol" = open - low
"oc" = open - close
"ho" = high - open
"hl" = high - low
"hc" = high - close
"lo" = low - open
"lh" = low - high
"lc" = low - close
"co" = close - open
"ch" = close - high
"cl" = close - low
Candle Components
"uw" = Upper Wick
"bd" = Body
"lw" = Lower Wick
"rg" = Range
Pct() Only
"scp" = Scalar Close Position
"sop" = Scalar Open Position
"vcp" = Vector Close Position
"vop" = Vector Open Position
The attributes are going to be available in the pop up dialogue when you mouse over the function, so you don't really have to remember them. I tried to make that look as efficient as possible. You'll notice it follows the OHLC pattern. Thus, "oh" precedes "ho" (heyo) because "O" would be first in the OHLC. Its a way to help find the expression you're looking for quickly. Like looking through an alphabetized list for traders.
There is a copy/paste console friendly helper list in the script itself.
Additional Notes on the Pct() Only functions:
This is the original reason I started writing this. These concepts place a rating/value on the bar based on candle attributes in one number. These formulas put a open or close value in a percentile of the bar relative to another aspect of the bar.
Scalar - Non-directional. Absolute Value.
Scalar Position: The position of the price attribute relative to the scale of the bar range (high - low)
Example: high = 100. low = 0. close = 25.
(A) Measure price distance C-L. How high above the low did the candle close (e.g. close - low = 25)
(B) Divide by bar range (high - low). 25 / (100 - 0) = .25
Explaination: The candle closed at the 25th percentile of the bar range given the bar range low = 0 and bar range high = 100.
Formula: scp = (close - low) / (high - low)
Vector = Directional.
Vector Position: The position of the price attribute relative to the scale of the bar midpoint (Vector Position at hl2 = 0)
Example: high = 100. low = 0. close = 25.
(A) Measure Price distance C-L: How high above the low did the candle close (e.g. close - low = 25)
(B) Measure Price distance H-C: How far below the high did the candle close (e.g. high - close = 75)
(C) Take Difference: A - B = C = -50
(D) Divide by bar range (high - low). -50 / (100 - 0) = -0.50
Explaination: Candle close at the midpoint between hl2 and the low.
Formula: vcp = { / (high - low) }
Thank you for checking this out. I hope no one else has already done this (because it took half the day) and I hope you find value in it. Be well. Trade well.
Library "PD"
Price Displacement
pt(_exp) Absolute Point Displacement. Point quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
_exp : (string) Price Parameter
Returns: Point size of given expression as an absolute value.
vpt(_exp) Vector Point Displacement. Point quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
_exp : (string) Price Parameter
Returns: Point size of given expression as a vector.
tick(_exp) Absolute Tick Displacement. Tick quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
_exp : (string) Price Parameter
Returns: Tick size of given expression as an absolute value.
vtick(_exp) Vector Tick Displacement. Tick quantity of given size parameters according to _exp.
_exp : (string) Price Parameter
Returns: Tick size of given expression as a vector.
pct(_exp, _prec) Absolute Percent Displacement (w/rounding overload). Percent quantity of bar range of given size parameters according to _exp.
_exp : (string) Expression
_prec : (int) Overload - Place value precision definition
Returns: Percent size of given expression as decimal.
vpct(_exp, _prec) Vector Percent Displacement (w/rounding overload). Percent quantity of bar range of given size parameters according to _exp.
_exp : (string) Expression
_prec : (int) Overload - Place value precision definition
Returns: Percent size of given expression as decimal.
Strategy Table LibraryLibrary "table_library"
TODO: With this library, you can add tables to your strategies.
Returns: Strategy Profit Table
Adds a table to the graph of the strategy for which you are calling the function. You can see data such as net profit in this table.
No parameters. Just call the function inside the strategy.
Example Code :
import only_fibonacci/table_lib/1 as st
AutoFiboRetraceLibrary "AutoFiboRetrace"
TODO: add library description here
fun(x) TODO: add function description here
x : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
honest personal libraryLibrary "honestpersonallibrary"
thestratnumber() this will return the number 1,2 or 3 using the logic from Rob Smiths #thestrat which uses these type of bars for setups
getBodySize() Gets the current candle's body size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's body size in POINTS
getTopWickSize() Gets the current candle's top wick size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's top wick size in POINTS
getBottomWickSize() Gets the current candle's bottom wick size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's bottom wick size in POINTS
getBodyPercent() Gets the current candle's body size as a percentage of its entire size including its wicks
Returns: The current candle's body size percentage
strictBearPinBar(float, float) This it to find pinbars with a very long wick compared to the body that are bearish
float : minTopMulitplier (default=4) The minimum number of times that the top wick has to be bigger than the candle body size
float : maxBottomMultiplier (default=2) The maximum number of times that the bottom wick can be bigger than the candle body size
Returns: a bool function true if current candle is withing the parameters
strictBullPinBar(float, float) This it to find pinbars with a very long wick compared to the body that are bearish
float : minTopMulitplier (default=4) The minimum number of times that the top wick has to be bigger than the candle body size
float : maxBottomMultiplier (default=2) The maximum number of times that the bottom wick can be bigger than the candle body size
Returns: a bool function true if current candle is withing the parameters
FunctionIntrabarCrossValueLibrary "FunctionIntrabarCrossValue"
intrabar_cross_value(a, b, step) Find the minimum difference of a intrabar cross and return its median value.
a : float, series a.
b : float, series b.
step : float, step to iterate x axis, default=0.01
Returns: float
OrdinaryLeastSquaresLibrary "OrdinaryLeastSquares"
One of the most common ways to estimate the coefficients for a linear regression is to use the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method.
This library implements OLS in pine. This implementation can be used to fit a linear regression of multiple independent variables onto one dependent variable,
as long as the assumptions behind OLS hold.
solve_xtx_inv(x, y) Solve a linear system of equations using the Ordinary Least Squares method.
This function returns both the estimated OLS solution and a matrix that essentially measures the model stability (linear dependence between the columns of 'x').
NOTE: The latter is an intermediate step when estimating the OLS solution but is useful when calculating the covariance matrix and is returned here to save computation time
so that this step doesn't have to be calculated again when things like standard errors should be calculated.
x : The matrix containing the independent variables. Each column is regarded by the algorithm as one independent variable. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
y : The matrix containing the dependent variable. This matrix can only contain one dependent variable and can therefore only contain one column. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
Returns: Returns both the estimated OLS solution and a matrix that essentially measures the model stability (xtx_inv is equal to (X'X)^-1).
solve(x, y) Solve a linear system of equations using the Ordinary Least Squares method.
x : The matrix containing the independent variables. Each column is regarded by the algorithm as one independent variable. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
y : The matrix containing the dependent variable. This matrix can only contain one dependent variable and can therefore only contain one column. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
Returns: Returns the estimated OLS solution.
standard_errors(x, y, beta_hat, xtx_inv) Calculate the standard errors.
x : The matrix containing the independent variables. Each column is regarded by the algorithm as one independent variable. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
y : The matrix containing the dependent variable. This matrix can only contain one dependent variable and can therefore only contain one column. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
beta_hat : The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) solution provided by solve_xtx_inv() or solve().
xtx_inv : This is (X'X)^-1, which means we take the transpose of the X matrix, multiply that the X matrix and then take the inverse of the result.
This essentially measures the linear dependence between the columns of the X matrix.
Returns: The standard errors.
estimate(x, beta_hat) Estimate the next step of a linear model.
x : The matrix containing the independent variables. Each column is regarded by the algorithm as one independent variable. The row count of 'x' and 'y' must match.
beta_hat : The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) solution provided by solve_xtx_inv() or solve().
Returns: Returns the new estimate of Y based on the linear model.
FunctionMatrixSolveLibrary "FunctionMatrixSolve"
Matrix Equation solution for Ax = B, finds the value of x.
solve(A, B) Solves Matrix Equation for Ax = B, finds value for x.
A : matrix, Square matrix with data values.
B : matrix, One column matrix with data values.
Returns: matrix with X, x = A^-1 b, assuming A is square and has full rank
FunctionPolynomialFitLibrary "FunctionPolynomialFit"
Performs Polynomial Regression fit to data.
In statistics, polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis in which
the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable
y is modelled as an nth degree polynomial in x.
gauss_elimination(A, m, n) Perform Gauss-Elimination and returns the Upper triangular matrix and solution of equations.
A : float matrix, data samples.
m : int, defval=na, number of rows.
n : int, defval=na, number of columns.
Returns: float array with coefficients.
polyfit(X, Y, degree) Fits a polynomial of a degree to (x, y) points.
X : float array, data sample x point.
Y : float array, data sample y point.
degree : int, defval=2, degree of the polynomial.
Returns: float array with coefficients.
p(x) = p * x**deg + ... + p
interpolate(coeffs, x) interpolate the y position at the provided x.
coeffs : float array, coefficients of the polynomial.
x : float, position x to estimate y.
Returns: float.
DominantCycleCollection of Dominant Cycle estimators. Length adaptation used in the Adaptive Moving Averages and the Adaptive Oscillators try to follow price movements and accelerate/decelerate accordingly (usually quite rapidly with a huge range). Cycle estimators, on the other hand, try to measure the cycle period of the current market, which does not reflect price movement or the rate of change (the rate of change may also differ depending on the cycle phase, but the cycle period itself usually changes slowly). This collection may become encyclopaedic, so if you have any working cycle estimator, drop me a line in the comments below. Suggestions are welcome. Currently included estimators are based on the work of John F. Ehlers
mamaPeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh) MESA Adaptation - MAMA Cycle
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
Returns: Calculated period
Based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers
Performs Hilbert Transform Homodyne Discriminator cycle measurement
Unlike MAMA Alpha function (in LengthAdaptation library), this does not compute phase rate of change
Introduced in the September 2001 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Inspired by the @everget implementation:
Inspired by the @anoojpatel implementation:
paPeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Pearson Autocorrelation
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Pearson Autocorrelation Periodogram by John F. Ehlers
Introduced in the September 2016 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Inspired by the @blackcat1402 implementation:
Inspired by the @rumpypumpydumpy implementation:
Corrected many errors, and made small speed optimizations, so this could be the best implementation to date (still slow, though, so may revisit in future)
High Pass and Super Smoother prefilters are used in the original implementation
dftPeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Discrete Fourier Transform
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Spectrum from Discrete Fourier Transform by John F. Ehlers
Inspired by the @blackcat1402 implementation:
High Pass, Super Smoother and Hann Windowing prefilters are used in the original implementation
phasePeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Phase Accumulation
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter (default)
preHP : Use Hamm Windowing prefilter
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Dominant Cycle from Phase Accumulation by John F. Ehlers
High Pass and Super Smoother prefilters are used in the original implementation
doAdapt(type, src, len, dynLow, dynHigh, chandeSDLen, chandeSmooth, chandePower, preHP, preSS, preHP) Execute a particular Length Adaptation or Dominant Cycle Estimator from the list
type : Length Adaptation or Dominant Cycle Estimator type to use
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
chandeSDLen : Lookback length of Standard deviation for Chande's Dynamic Length
chandeSmooth : Smoothing length of Standard deviation for Chande's Dynamic Length
chandePower : Exponent of the length adaptation for Chande's Dynamic Length (lower is smaller variation)
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter for the Estimators that support it
Returns: Calculated period (float, not limited)
doEstimate(type, src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Execute a particular Dominant Cycle Estimator from the list
type : Dominant Cycle Estimator type to use
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter for the Estimators that support it
Returns: Calculated period (float, not limited)
least_squares_regressionLibrary "least_squares_regression"
least_squares_regression: Least squares regression algorithm to find the optimal price interval for a given time period
basic_lsr(series, series, series) basic_lsr: Basic least squares regression algorithm
series : int t: time scale value array corresponding to price
series : float p: price scale value array corresponding to time
series : int array_size: the length of regression array
Returns: reg_slop, reg_intercept, reg_level, reg_stdev
trend_line_lsr(series, series, series, string, series, series) top_trend_line_lsr: Trend line fitting based on least square algorithm
series : int t: time scale value array corresponding to price
series : float p: price scale value array corresponding to time
series : int array_size: the length of regression array
string : reg_type: regression type in 'top' and 'bottom'
series : int max_iter: maximum fitting iterations
series : int min_points: the threshold of regression point numbers
Returns: reg_slop, reg_intercept, reg_level, reg_stdev, reg_point_num
simple_squares_regressionLibrary "simple_squares_regression"
simple_squares_regression: simple squares regression algorithm to find the optimal price interval for a given time period
basic_ssr(series, series, series) basic_ssr: Basic simple squares regression algorithm
series : float src: the regression source such as close
series : int region_forward: number of candle lines at the right end of the regression region from the current candle line
series : int region_len: the length of regression region
Returns: left_loc, right_loc, reg_val, reg_std, reg_max_offset
search_ssr(series, series, series, series) search_ssr: simple squares regression region search algorithm
series : float src: the regression source such as close
series : int max_forward: max number of candle lines at the right end of the regression region from the current candle line
series : int region_lower: the lower length of regression region
series : int region_upper: the upper length of regression region
Returns: left_loc, right_loc, reg_val, reg_level, reg_std_err, reg_max_offset
on_balance_volumeLibrary "on_balance_volume"
on_balance_volume: custom on balance volume
obv_diff(string, simple) obv_diff: custom on balance volume diff version
string : type: the moving average type of on balance volume
simple : int len: the moving average length of on balance volume
Returns: obv_diff: custom on balance volume diff value
obv_diff_norm(string, simple) obv_diff_norm: custom normalized on balance volume diff version
string : type: the moving average type of on balance volume
simple : int len: the moving average length of on balance volume
Returns: obv_diff: custom normalized on balance volume diff value
moving_averageLibrary "moving_average"
moving_average: moving average variants
variant(string, series, simple) variant: moving average variants
string : type: type in
series : float src: the source series of moving average
simple : int len: the length of moving average
Returns: float: the moving average variant value
NormalizedOscillatorsLibrary "NormalizedOscillators"
Collection of some common Oscillators. All are zero-mean and normalized to fit in the -1..1 range. Some are modified, so that the internal smoothing function could be configurable (for example, to enable Hann Windowing, that John F. Ehlers uses frequently). Some are modified for other reasons (see comments in the code), but never without a reason. This collection is neither encyclopaedic, nor reference, however I try to find the most correct implementation. Suggestions are welcome.
rsi2(upper, lower) RSI - second step
upper : Upwards momentum
lower : Downwards momentum
Returns: Oscillator value
Modified by Ehlers from Wilder's implementation to have a zero mean (oscillator from -1 to +1)
Originally: 100.0 - (100.0 / (1.0 + upper / lower))
Ignoring the 100 scale factor, we get: upper / (upper + lower)
Multiplying by two and subtracting 1, we get: (2 * upper) / (upper + lower) - 1 = (upper - lower) / (upper + lower)
rms(src, len) Root mean square (RMS)
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Based on by John F. Ehlers implementation
ift(src) Inverse Fisher Transform
src : Source series
Returns: Normalized series
Based on by John F. Ehlers implementation
The input values have been multiplied by 2 (was "2*src", now "4*src") to force expansion - not compression
The inputs may be further modified, if needed
stoch(src, len) Stochastic
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
ssstoch(src, len) Super Smooth Stochastic (part of MESA Stochastic) by John F. Ehlers
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
Introduced in the January 2014 issue of Stocks and Commodities
This is not an implementation of MESA Stochastic, as it is based on Highpass filter not present in the function (but you can construct it)
This implementation is scaled by 0.95, so that Super Smoother does not exceed 1/-1
I do not know, if this the right way to fix this issue, but it works for now
netKendall(src, len) Noise Elimination Technology by John F. Ehlers
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
Introduced in the December 2020 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Uses simplified Kendall correlation algorithm
Implementation by @QuantTherapy:
rsi(src, len, smooth) RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
vrsi(src, len, smooth) Volume-scaled RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
This is my own version of RSI. It scales price movements by the proportion of RMS of volume
mrsi(src, len, smooth) Momentum RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Inspired by RocketRSI by John F. Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities, May 2018)
rrsi(src, len, smooth) Rocket RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Inspired by RocketRSI by John F. Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities, May 2018)
Does not include Fisher Transform of the original implementation, as the output must be normalized
Does not include momentum smoothing length configuration, so always assumes half the lookback length
mfi(src, len, smooth) Money Flow Index
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
lrsi(src, in_gamma, len) Laguerre RSI by John F. Ehlers
src : Source series
in_gamma : Damping factor (default is -1 to generate from len)
len : Lookback period (alternatively, if gamma is not set)
Returns: Oscillator series
The original implementation is with gamma. As it is impossible to collect gamma in my system, where the only user input is length,
an alternative calculation is included, where gamma is set by dividing len by 30. Maybe different calculation would be better?
fe(len) Choppiness Index or Fractal Energy
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
The Choppiness Index (CHOP) was created by E. W. Dreiss
This indicator is sometimes called Fractal Energy
er(src, len) Efficiency ratio
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
Based on Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average calculation
This is the correct Efficiency ratio calculation, and most other implementations are wrong:
the number of bar differences is 1 less than the length, otherwise we are adding the change outside of the measured range!
For reference, see Stocks and Commodities June 1995
dmi(len, smooth) Directional Movement Index
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Based on the original Tradingview algorithm
Modified with inspiration from John F. Ehlers DMH (but not implementing the DMH algorithm!)
Only ADX is returned
Rescaled to fit -1 to +1
Unlike most oscillators, there is no src parameter as DMI works directly with high and low values
fdmi(len, smooth) Fast Directional Movement Index
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Same as DMI, but without secondary smoothing. Can be smoothed later. Instead, +DM and -DM smoothing can be configured
doOsc(type, src, len, smooth) Execute a particular Oscillator from the list
type : Oscillator type to use
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) is RSI without smoothing. No idea, why some authors use different calculations
LRSI with Fractal Energy is a combo oscillator that uses Fractal Energy to tune LRSI gamma, as seen here:
doPostfilter(type, src, len) Execute a particular Oscillator Postfilter from the list
type : Oscillator type to use
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
CommonFiltersLibrary "CommonFilters"
Collection of some common Filters and Moving Averages. This collection is not encyclopaedic, but to declutter my other scripts. Suggestions are welcome, though. Many filters here are based on the work of John F. Ehlers
sma(src, len) Simple Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
ema(src, len) Exponential Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
rma(src, len) Wilder's Smoothing (Running Moving Average)
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hma(src, len) Hull Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
vwma(src, len) Volume Weighted Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hp2(src) Simple denoiser
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir2(src) Zero at 2 bar cycle period by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir3(src) Zero at 3 bar cycle period by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir23(src) Zero at 2 bar and 3 bar cycle periods by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir234(src) Zero at 2, 3 and 4 bar cycle periods by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
hp(src, len) High Pass Filter for cyclic components shorter than langth. Part of Roofing Filter by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
supers2(src, len) 2-pole Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
filt11(src, len) Filt11 is a variant of 2-pole Super Smoother with error averaging for zero-lag response by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
supers3(src, len) 3-pole Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hannFIR(src, len) Hann Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hammingFIR(src, len) Hamming Window Filter (inspired by John F. Ehlers). Simplified implementation as Pedestal input parameter cannot be supplied, so I calculate it from the supplied length
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
triangleFIR(src, len) Triangle Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
doPrefilter(type, src) Execute a particular Prefilter from the list
type : Prefilter type to use
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
doMA(type, src, len) Execute a particular MA from the list
type : MA type to use
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series