NINJA SCALPERNinja Scalper is the next evolution of the Trade Trend Indicator.
I have been trading for over 23 years now and these indicators are based on my trading style risk verse reward. The change in this is to make it more responsive and to integrate with Sword.
The background of this indicator is:
The original Trade Trend Indicator (indicator) has been the brain child of 23 years of trading experience rolled into a simple to understand all market setup alert system based solely on 5 high probability trade set ups with a 6th high risk. The hope is to provide something that is can assist traders in building confidence in their trades with a little assistance from the indicator.
This like any and all indicators is not a be all and end to trading, yes while back tested the indicator has produced fantastic profitable results; past performance is not a guarantee of future but which with human intervention can increase the return result exponentially.
You need to be able to chart simple candle sticks and you need to have an understanding of support and resistance areas to make sense of what you are doing in trading otherwise even this indicator won't help you.
While this may alert buy or sell / long or short entrance these are to be taken as educational points of reference and if you wish to trade you are understanding that you enter and exit at your own risk. Not many indicators will alert you to the possibility of a rogue wave spike / dump or both, this will but everything is perspective of the time frame you are on.
The indicator is designed for the 4hour time frame with trade entry on the 15min and managed on the 30min time frame. Alot can happen within these time frame but as we know not every trader can sit in front of a screen for hours at a time and this let's one trade for swings. Once you have your entry you place your exits and you set your stops. If you wait for the alert to exit you are in a draw down this should never reach that point pay yourself for being right.
The some set ups are simple:
1. Trend change from bearish to bullish buys are dip interim support entries.
2. Trend change from bullish to bearish sells are top interim resistance exits.
3. Blue buy is an entry position for a trade.
4. Blue long is an add position for a trade.
5. Red short is just that a short trade idea. (this is advanced and requires a manual cover target),
6. Green buy is a break out over the next candle to print above (highest risk)
All trades are based on a 5% to 10% of capital entry with no more than 40% ever in 1 trade goal is many consistent trade wins while limiting the losses and size.
Certain set ups such as longs over the Moving Averages but below the cloud can lead to strong rally returns as well as short in a bearish trend just above the Moving Averages can give prolonged selling pressure.
Pay attention to the golden dump line as it rises the closer to the candle it gets the higher the risk of the trade lacking continuation.
None of this is to be taken as investment advice but rather Edutainment and infotainment
L&S PROFIT TREND Trend indicator for TF from 1 hour and above, for any trading pair, any exchange, binary options. Signals+ Take profit levels. 90% good signal and take profit 1.
Implied Volatility Rank & Model-Free IVRThis is an update to my previous IV Rank & IV Percentile Script.
I originally made this script for binary/digital options, but this also can be used for vanilla options too.
There are two lines on this script, one plotting Model-Based IV rank and Model-Free IV Rank.
How it works:
Model-Based IV Rank:
1. Take whatever timeframe you're using and multiply it by 252. This is done because typically IV is calculated over a year, which has 252 days. But this can be used for any timeframe, so just multiply you're timeframe by 252. In the picture above I'm using a 30 min chart, so I multiplied 30 min by 252 and got 7 days, 14 hrs , and 30 min.
2. Next input the result you got from step 1 into the corresponding input boxes.
3. Then input the timeframe you are using into the input box labeled timeframe. I'm using 30 min so I put 30.
4.Finally choose the delta that you want to use and input its standard deviation into the input box. There is a list of common deltas and their corresponding standard deviations in the menu so you don't have to go looking them up. Typically 16D or 1 standard deviation is used when calculating IV, but you can choose whichever one you want.
*FYI. For people trading binary/digital options, the delta of a vanilla option is the same as the price of a binary/digital option. This is because the delta is the first-order mathematical derivative of the vanilla option's price, and a binary/digital option is a mathematical derivative of a vanilla option. So when you see the list of deltas and their corresponding standard deviations values, just know that 40D=$40 binary, 30D=$30 binary, 20D=$20 binary, and so on. But again typically the 16D or $16 binary's standard deviation value would be used*
This calculation of IV rank is useful for vanilla option traders who use Tradingview and don't have access to this metric.
This calculation of IV rank is useful for binary/digital option traders using Tradingview because the only two regulated binary options exchanges: the CBOE and Nadex, do not offer advanced options data, such as IV rank. On the CBOE and Nadex only the market-makers have this data, which they get from their own in-house pricing models. So at least now any binary option traders can have the same data as the market makers that they are trading against. Also if your wondering how accurate my pricing model is; just know that I have have compared the prices given by the pricing model to realtime prices on Nadex (live account) and the prices that my model shows for differing strike prices matches the prices that the market-makers set. So the pricing model, upon which this IV rank is based, is accurate.*
Model-Free IV Rank:
This IV Rank is based off the VixFix and just ranks the VixFix's values over the past 252 periods. In the menu you can see the recommended periods for calculating the VixFix, with 22 being the one most people use. This is the exact same methodology used in my original IV Rank script.
Which should you use?
This is up to you and each have their own pros and cons.
The main pro of using the model-free version is that because it does not rely on a pricing model, it does not take as many steps to calculate IV and therefore can update its IV projections much quicker than the model based approach. This is why if you zoom out the model-free version will have a more choppy appearance than the model based.
The main pro of using the model based version is that this is what the overwhelming majority of options traders use, and can be applied to any option delta you want, while the model-free version only calculates IV rank on the 16D aka $16 binary aka 1 standard deviation strike.
Options - MACDThis is a standard MACD indicator with addition of a 9 period simple moving average, the settings for MACD is fixed and prefabricated for Options trading with two options for settings : short and long time
Options - StochasticThis is a simple stochastic oscillator with predefined settings for short, mid, and long time. These settings are specially fabricated for options trading.
Hello Binary Options traders, do you worry about loss in binary, now no need to worry, search my page in Fb, named "IQ Option Traders PK " ,like my page and send me a message, i will send you details of my strategy free of cost.
or comment below i will respond you.
Hello Binary Options traders, do you worry about loss in binary? now no need to worry, search my page in Fb, named "IQ Option Traders PK " ,like my page and send me a message, i will send you details of my strategy free of cost.
or comment below i will respond you.
BBINARY NON REPAINT INDICATOR 2019Free Binary Option Strategy:
Hello Binary Options traders, do you worry about loss in binary, now no need to worry, search my page in Fb, named "IQ Option Traders PK " ,like my page and send me a message, i will send you details of my strategy free of cost.
or comment below i will respond you.
Tonislonis ReversalsHello,
so this is one of my so called "algos", which I crafted to give me indication of one certain pattern happening. I saw that this "pattern" had some pretty nice returns, if you use it on daily chart on big cap stocks and mix it with order flow or unusual option activity (sweeps).
Best entries happen when the yellow triangle appears little bit away from 13 EMA. Check the order flow and if everything looks like you have an edge, then take a trade and take profit near 13 EMA.
Not gonna share any code, because it's my magical "black box", which I built and be grateful that I'm even publishing it. Not gonna share anymore information about this. Just if you like it then use it and if not then don't.
Now go out there and make a living from it taking trades as some freaking yellow triangles show you entries lol.
High-low sign indicator for binary option only. (β version)
バイナリーオプション専用ハイローサインインジケーター。 (ベータバージョン)
High-low sign indicator for binary option only. (β version)
バイナリーオプション専用ハイローサインインジケーター。 (ベータバージョン)
Ichimoku Double Cloud + AutoFibCombined indicator using an ichimoku double cloud derivative.
Ideal use is option swings, using traditional ichimoku rules, targets are adjusted to the current ATR.
Appropriate strikes closest to one of these lines for assisted price targeting.
Arrows Perfect BinaryThis is a binary options script for detecting the best flaws in the market and taking advantage.
Initially, the script was coded with Martingale in mind and no losses occur in 3-5 cycles but a revision was made and this is the current version 1.0 of the script. Use this script wisely, It's a powerful one and might be the Holy Grail or Account Blower.
If you think of something please lemme know so that I can improve the value of this script to the community.
I am open to wise contributions.
Enjoy, lucemanb
UltraInstintoTraderthe ultra instinct trader is the most powerful tool basedin the ultimate form of goku, u can use this script to do very fast trading also binary options and get a lot of profitttt