Auto Analysis Short-term Reversals ExplorationAuto Analysis Short-term Reversals Exploration
Based on a study by Larry Lovrencic
Closing Price Reversals Automatic Analysis
Hook Reversals Automatic Analysis
Island Reversals Automatic Analysis
Key Reversals Automatic Analysis
Open/Close Reversals Automatic Analysis
Pivot Point Reversals Automatic Analysis
T3DMA Trend DirectionI am using T3 moving averages to generate the idea of what kind of bias I should take in a current market.
So, how does this works?
When the close is higher than T3EMA10, the trend direction is upwards,
When the close is lower than T3EMA10, the trend direction is downward.
Using this, we can assume that there is higher probability for market to continue it's trend up or down, hence trade only in that direction. T3EMA5 is used to exit any open positions before trend changes it's direction.
Have a nice day trading and enjoy.
Dumb Indicator 9 - Bitfinex Shorts X LongsThis is a way to study how the crypto market is going on Bitfinex, you can see the diference between the Long and Short terms on most popular pairs.
UCS_S_Steve Primo - Strategy #8Hello Fellas,
Hope you are trading fantastic and fine. Here is another setup from Steve Primo (Stocks) Setups. He claims this can be applied on any market, and you can. Primarily focused on Stocks and Futures market.
What did I change, ofcourse I don't publish what I find, There is a bit of me in the codes.....
1. Setup only shows up at meaningful levels, Stringent Filter
Myself and tradearcher will keep this upto date. As he has volenteered to help with the track record of steve primo strategies.
This is more like catching a freight train after a mini pullback.
AGAIN, This is not a holy grail, but this fits my personality of trading, Buying pullbacks on stronger stocks. Because it is harder to get a UCS_momo_Oscillator to signal a setup, primarily because of the smoothing, you can use this as an alternative to catch the excitement trade.
Do not sit on it for more than T+4 days, Unless another setup triggered in your way.
Rule - Buy/Sell the candle breakout next day after the setup - in the direction it is setting up
- Close the Position @ 100% candle extension or RSI Oversold.