Fibonacci Volatility BandsFibonacci Volatility Bands are just an alternative that allows for more margin than regular Bollinger Bands. They are created based on an average of moving averages that use the Fibonacci sequence as lookback periods.
The use of the Fibonacci Volatility Bands is exactly the same as the Bollinger Bands.
DEVIATION OF THE STOCHASTIC INDICATORThis new technical indicator uses the stochastic oscillator as its base and calculates the deviation of its moving average, generating an alternative view of market volatility.
Fair value bands / quantifytools— Overview
Fair value bands, like other band tools, depict dynamic points in price where price behaviour is normal or abnormal, i.e. trading at/around mean (price at fair value) or deviating from mean (price outside fair value). Unlike constantly readjusting standard deviation based bands, fair value bands are designed to be smooth and constant, based on typical historical deviations. The script calculates pivots that take place above/below fair value basis and forms median deviation bands based on this information. These points are then multiplied up to 3, representing more extreme deviations.
By default, the script uses OHLC4 and SMA 20 as basis for the bands. Users can form their preferred fair value basis using following options:
Price source
- Standard OHLC values
- HL2 (High + low / 2)
- OHLC4 (Open + high + low + close / 4)
- HLC3 (High + low + close / 3)
- HLCC4 (High + low + close + close / 4)
- Median
Once fair value basis is established, some additional customization options can be employed:
Trend mode
Direction based
Cross based
Trend modes affect fair value basis color that indicates trend direction. Direction based trend considers only the direction of the defined fair value basis, i.e. pointing up is considered an uptrend, vice versa for downtrend. Cross based trends activate when selected source (same options as price source) crosses fair value basis. These sources can be set individually for uptrend/downtrend cross conditions. By default, the script uses cross based trend mode with low and high as sources.
Cross based (downtrend not triggered) vs. direction based (downtrend triggered):
Threshold band
Threshold band is calculated using typical deviations when price is trading at fair value basis. In other words, a little bit of "wiggle room" is added around the mean based on expected deviation. This feature is useful for cross based trends, as it allows filtering insignificant crosses that are more likely just noise. By default, threshold band is calculated based on 1x median deviation from mean. Users can increase/decrease threshold band width via input menu for more/less noise filtering, e.g. 2x threshold band width would require price to cross wiggle room that is 2x wider than typical, 0x erases threshold band altogether.
Deviation bands
Width of deviation bands by default is based on 1x median deviations and can be increased/decreased in a similar manner to threshold bands.
Each combination of customization options produces varying behaviour in the bands. To measure the behaviour and finding fairest representation of fair and unfair value, some data is gathered.
— Fair value metrics
Space between each band is considered a lot, named +3, +2, +1, -1, -2, -3. For each lot, time spent and volume relative to volume moving average (SMA 20) is recorded each time price is trading in a given lot:
Depending on the asset, timeframe and chosen fair value basis, shape of the distributions vary. However, practically always time is distributed in a normal bell curve shape, being highest at lots +1 to -1, gradually decreasing the further price is from the mean. This is hardly surprising, but it allows accurately determining dynamic areas of normal and abnormal price behaviour (i.e. low risk area between +1 and -1, high risk area between +-2 to +-3). Volume on the other hand is typically distributed the other way around, being lowest at lots +1 to -1 and highest at +-2 to +-3. When time and volume are distributed like so, we can conclude that 1) price being outside fair value is a rare event and 2) the more price is outside fair value, the more anomaly behaviour in volume we tend to find.
Viewing metric calculations
Metric calculation highlights can be enabled from the input menu, resulting in a lot based coloring and visibility of each lot counter (time, cumulative relative volume and average relative volume) in data window:
— Alerts
Available alerts are the following:
- High crossing deviation band (bands +1 to +3 )
- Low crossing deviation band (bands -1 to -3 )
- Low at threshold band in an uptrend
- High at threshold band in a downtrend
- New uptrend
- New downtrend
- New uptrend or downtrend
- Deviation band cross (+1 or -1)
- Deviation band cross (+2 or -2)
- Deviation band cross (+3 or -3)
— Practical guide
Example #1 : Risk on/risk off trend following
Ideal trend stays inside fair value and provides sufficient cool offs between the moves. When this is the case, fair value bands can be used for sensible entry/exit levels within the trend.
Example #2 : Mean reversions
When price shows exuberance into an extreme deviation, followed by a stall and signs of exhaustion (wicks), an opportunity for mean reversion emerges. The higher the deviation, the more volatility in the move, the more signalling of exhaustion, the better.
Example #3 : Tweaking bands for desired behaviour
The faster the length of fair value basis, the more momentum price needs to hit extreme deviation levels, as bands too are moving faster alongside price. Decreasing fair value basis length typically leads to more quick and aggressive deviations and less steady trends outside fair value.
GAVAD - Selling after a Strong MovimentThis strategy search for a moment whe the market make two candles are consistently strong, and open a Sell, searching the imediactly correction, on the new candle. It`s easy to see the bars on the histogram graph. Purple Bars represent the candle variation. when on candle cross ove the Signal line the graph plot an Yellow ci, if the second bar crossover the signal a green circle is ploted and the operation start on start of the next candle.
This strategy can be used in a lot of Stocks and other graphs. many times we need a small time of graph, maybe 1 or 5 minutes because the gain shoud be planned to a midle of the second candle. You need look the stocks you will use.
Stocks > 100 dolars isnt great, markets extremly volatly not too. but, Stocks that have a consistently development are very interisting. Look to markets searching maybe 0.5% or 1%.
For this moment, I make the development of a Brasilian Real x American Dollar. In 15 Minutes.
if you use in small timeframe the results can be better.
On this time we make more than 500 trades with a small lot of contracts, without a big percent profitable, but a small profit in each operation, maybe you search more than. To present a real trading system I insert a spreed to present a correct view of the results.
Each stock, Index, or crypto there is a specific configuration?
my suggestion for new stocks
You need choice a stock and using the setup search set over than 70% gain (percent profitable), using a 1% of gain and loss between 1-2%
as the exemple (WDO)
default I prepare a Brazilian Index
6-signal (6% is variation of a candle of the last candle)
10000- multiplicator (its important to configure diferences betwen a stock and an Indice)
gain 3 (this proportion will be set looking you target, how I say, 1% can be good)
loss 8 (this proportion will be set with you bankroll management, how I say, maybe 2%, you need evaluate)
for maximize operations I use in the 1 or 5 minute graph. Timeframes more large make slowlly results,
(but not unable that you use in a 1 hour or a 1 day.)
I make this script by zero. Maybe the code doesnt so organized, but is very easy to understand. If you have any doubts . leave a comment.
I hope help you.
Up Down VolatilityThis is just experimental. I wanted the flexibility in looking at volatility and this indicator gives you several ways to do so.
I haven't figured out the best way to use this yet but I suspect that as a form of entry confirmation indicator would be best.
If you find a way this works well for you please drop me a note. It would nice know someone found a way to use it successfully!
The options available are:
* Your source can be price or the ATR.
* It allows you to separate the volatility of the bearish and bullish candles and even allows you to produce differential.
* You can choose to run the result through any one of many smoothers.
With the above options you can look at:
* The normal volatility. That is not split into bearish and bullish components.
* The bearish and bullish volatility and the difference between them.
* The relative bearish and bullish volatility and the difference between them.
The "The relative bearish and bullish" is each one divided into the source before it was split into Up and Down or low/high divided by close which should make the max value roughly around 1.
The code is structured to easily drop into a bigger system so use it as a lone indicator or add the code to some bigger project you are creating. If you do integrate it into something else then send me a note as it would be nice to know it's being well used.
Enjoy and good luck!
ZenBot Signals - Trend StrengthI developed this indicator as a "regime detection" for my algo trading bot. It uses the ADX +/- values with a few twists.
- If ADX DI+ is over 30 and DI- is below 20 and falling (inverse for shorts)
- Price action rising/falling thru various VWAP standard deviations indicates a strong trend break
- Some other custom juju (open source so have fun).
I use this primarily to monitor the SPY index as a backdrop for my long and short trades. If the colored line below price bars is red or green, a strong trend is present and there is a decent trade environment.
VWAP Market Session AnchoredVWAP Market Session Anchored differs from the traditional VWAP or VWAP Auto Anchored indicator in that the Volume Weighted Average Price calculation is automatically anchored to four major market session starts: Sydney, London, Tokyo, New York.
Source: the source for the VWAP calculation.
Offset: changing this number will move the VWAP either Forwards or Backwards, relative to the current market. Zero is the default.
Band: enabling this will show Standard Deviation bands.
Band Multiplier: the value the Standard Deviation bands will be multiplied by before being plotted on the chart.
Sessions : enabling the sessions will plot the respective anchored VWAP on chart.
Custom: enabling this will show a custom user-defined session.
Custom UTC : the custom session is defined by a starting UTC hour followed by the ending UTC hour.
Similar to the traditional VWAP, VWAP Market Session Anchored is a technical analysis tool used to measure the average price weighted by volume. VWAP Market Session Anchored can be used to identify the trend during a specific market session.
When setting a custom session, be mindful that calculations are based off of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time, you must convert your local time zone to UTC in order to have an accurate representation of your custom session.
It is not recommended to use this indicator on timeframes above 1 hour as market sessions only last a few hours.
Asymmetric Dispersion High Lowdear fellows,
this indicator is an effort to determine the range where the prices are likely to fall within in the current candle.
how it is calculated
1. obtain
a. gain from the open to the high
b. loss from the open to the low
in the last 20 (by default) candles and
in the last 200 (10*20 by default) candles
2. perform
a. the geometric average (sma of the log returns) over these gains and losses
b. their respective standard deviation
3. plot from the open of each candle
a. the average + 2 standard deviations (2 by default) of the short window size
b. same for the long window size (which is overlapped)
what it shows
1. where the current candle is likely to move with 95% likelyhood
how it can be interpreted
1. a gauge for volatility in the short and long term
2. a visual inbalance between likelyhood to go up or down according to dispersion in relation to current prices or candle open.
3. a confirmation of crossings of, for instance, support and resistances once the cloud is completely above or below.
in regard to bollinger bands (which are and excellent well proven indicator)
1. it segregates upward moves from the downward ones.
2. it is hardly crossed by prices
3. it is centered on the current candle open, instead of the moving average.
we welcome feedback and critic.
best regards and success wishes.
GB Gilt Yield CurveWith thanks to @longfiat whose US Treasury Yield Curve served as the basis for this indicator
This is created very quickly to provide a sense of the GB Gilt Yield curve in light of government induced market dysfunction as a result of an ill-conceived mini-budget.
Note that I omitted GB04Y, GB06Y, GB08Y, GB09Y and GB12Y to avoid overcrowding the chart with excess information and thereby render the indicator more readily usable.
Probability Cloud BASIC [@AndorraInvestor]🔮☁️
This is the BASIC version of the PROBABILITY CLOUD indicator.
It is an evolution beyond traditional standard deviation probabilistic indicators only using bands or channels.
The new PROBABILITY CLOUD graphic representation with customizable transparent layers is based on -2 / +2 standard deviation calculated using 20 fixed predetermined time periods, and is available in several calculation MODES:
The indicator is designed to let the trader visually understand the probabilistic depth of past, present and future price action, and its evolution over time.
Looking forward to your comments and feedback to guide me on future updates!
🙏 Big THANKS @Electrified for letting me use his work on Deviation Bands/ as a starting point for my first script.
Strength of Divergence Across Multiple IndicatorsOverview:
One-stop shop for all your divergence needs, including:
(1) A single metric for divergence strength across multiple indicators.
(2) Labels that make it easy to spot where the truly strong divergence is by showing the overall divergence strength value along with the number of divergent indicators. Hovering over the label shows a breakdown of each divergent indicator and its individual divergence strength value.
(3) Fully customizable, including inputs for pivot lengths, divergence types, and weights for every component of the divergence strength calculation. This allows you to quickly and easily optimize the output for any chart. Don't worry, the default settings will have you covered if you're not interested in what's going on under the hood.
The Divergence Strength Calculation:
The total divergence strength value is the sum of the divergence strengths of all indicators for which divergence was detected at a given bar. Each indicator's individual divergence strength is comprised of two basic components: (1) |ΔPrice| - the magnitude of the change in price over the divergence period (pivot-to-pivot), and (2) |ΔIndicator| - the magnitude of the change in indicator value over the divergence period.
Because different indicators' scales and volatility can vary greatly, the Δ values are expressed in terms of standard deviation to ensure that the values are meaningful and equitable across all indicators and assets/instruments/currency pairs, etc:
|ΔIndicator| = |indicator_value_1 - indicator_value_2| / 2 * StDev(indicator_series,100)
Calculation Weights:
All components of the calculation are weighted and can be modified on the Inputs page in settings (weights are simply multipliers). For example, if you think hidden divergence should carry less weight than regular divergence, you can assign it a lesser weight. Or if you think RSI divergence is worth more than OBV divergence, you can adjust their weights accordingly. List of weights:
Regular divergence weight - default = 1
Hidden divergence weight - default = 1
ΔPrice weight - default = 0.5 (multiplied by the ΔPrice component)
ΔIndicator weight - default = 1.5 (multiplied by the ΔIndicator component)
RSI weight - default = 1.1
OBV weight - default = 0.8
MACD weight - default = 0.9
STOCH weight - default = 0.9
Development for additional indicators is ongoing, as is research into the optimal weight configuration(s).
Other Inputs:
Pivot lengths - specify the number of bars before and after each pivot high/low to consider it a valid candidate for divergence.
Lookback bars and Lookback pivots - specify the number of bars or the number of pivots to look back across.
Price sources - specify separate price sources for bullish and bearish divergence
Display settings - specify how lines and labels should display, including which divergence strength values should show the largest labels. Include/exclude specific divergence types and indicators.
Please report any bugs, or let me know if you have any enhancement suggestions or requests for additional indicators.
Variance (Welford) [Loxx]The standard deviation is a measure of how much a dataset differs from its mean; it tells us how dispersed the data are. A dataset that’s pretty much clumped around a single point would have a small standard deviation, while a dataset that’s all over the map would have a large standard deviation. You can. use this calculation for other indicators.
Given a sample the standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance
Here you can find a Welford’s method for computing (single pass method) that avoids errors in some cases (if the variance is small compared to the square of the mean, and computing the difference leads catastrophic cancellation where significant leading digits are eliminated and the result has a large relative error)
Read more here:
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD-Adaptive T3 [Loxx]STD-Adaptive T3 is a standard deviation adaptive T3 moving average filter. This indicator acts more like a trend overlay indicator with gradient coloring.
What is the T3 moving average?
Better Moving Averages Tim Tillson
November 1, 1998
Tim Tillson is a software project manager at Hewlett-Packard, with degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science. He has privately traded options and equities for 15 years.
"Digital filtering includes the process of smoothing, predicting, differentiating, integrating, separation of signals, and removal of noise from a signal. Thus many people who do such things are actually using digital filters without realizing that they are; being unacquainted with the theory, they neither understand what they have done nor the possibilities of what they might have done."
This quote from R. W. Hamming applies to the vast majority of indicators in technical analysis . Moving averages, be they simple, weighted, or exponential, are lowpass filters; low frequency components in the signal pass through with little attenuation, while high frequencies are severely reduced.
"Oscillator" type indicators (such as MACD , Momentum, Relative Strength Index ) are another type of digital filter called a differentiator.
Tushar Chande has observed that many popular oscillators are highly correlated, which is sensible because they are trying to measure the rate of change of the underlying time series, i.e., are trying to be the first and second derivatives we all learned about in Calculus.
We use moving averages (lowpass filters) in technical analysis to remove the random noise from a time series, to discern the underlying trend or to determine prices at which we will take action. A perfect moving average would have two attributes:
It would be smooth, not sensitive to random noise in the underlying time series. Another way of saying this is that its derivative would not spuriously alternate between positive and negative values.
It would not lag behind the time series it is computed from. Lag, of course, produces late buy or sell signals that kill profits.
The only way one can compute a perfect moving average is to have knowledge of the future, and if we had that, we would buy one lottery ticket a week rather than trade!
Having said this, we can still improve on the conventional simple, weighted, or exponential moving averages. Here's how:
Two Interesting Moving Averages
We will examine two benchmark moving averages based on Linear Regression analysis.
In both cases, a Linear Regression line of length n is fitted to price data.
I call the first moving average ILRS, which stands for Integral of Linear Regression Slope. One simply integrates the slope of a linear regression line as it is successively fitted in a moving window of length n across the data, with the constant of integration being a simple moving average of the first n points. Put another way, the derivative of ILRS is the linear regression slope. Note that ILRS is not the same as a SMA ( simple moving average ) of length n, which is actually the midpoint of the linear regression line as it moves across the data.
We can measure the lag of moving averages with respect to a linear trend by computing how they behave when the input is a line with unit slope. Both SMA (n) and ILRS(n) have lag of n/2, but ILRS is much smoother than SMA .
Our second benchmark moving average is well known, called EPMA or End Point Moving Average. It is the endpoint of the linear regression line of length n as it is fitted across the data. EPMA hugs the data more closely than a simple or exponential moving average of the same length. The price we pay for this is that it is much noisier (less smooth) than ILRS, and it also has the annoying property that it overshoots the data when linear trends are present.
However, EPMA has a lag of 0 with respect to linear input! This makes sense because a linear regression line will fit linear input perfectly, and the endpoint of the LR line will be on the input line.
These two moving averages frame the tradeoffs that we are facing. On one extreme we have ILRS, which is very smooth and has considerable phase lag. EPMA has 0 phase lag, but is too noisy and overshoots. We would like to construct a better moving average which is as smooth as ILRS, but runs closer to where EPMA lies, without the overshoot.
A easy way to attempt this is to split the difference, i.e. use (ILRS(n)+EPMA(n))/2. This will give us a moving average (call it IE /2) which runs in between the two, has phase lag of n/4 but still inherits considerable noise from EPMA. IE /2 is inspirational, however. Can we build something that is comparable, but smoother? Figure 1 shows ILRS, EPMA, and IE /2.
Filter Techniques
Any thoughtful student of filter theory (or resolute experimenter) will have noticed that you can improve the smoothness of a filter by running it through itself multiple times, at the cost of increasing phase lag.
There is a complementary technique (called twicing by J.W. Tukey) which can be used to improve phase lag. If L stands for the operation of running data through a low pass filter, then twicing can be described by:
L' = L(time series) + L(time series - L(time series))
That is, we add a moving average of the difference between the input and the moving average to the moving average. This is algebraically equivalent to:
This is the Double Exponential Moving Average or DEMA , popularized by Patrick Mulloy in TASAC (January/February 1994).
In our taxonomy, DEMA has some phase lag (although it exponentially approaches 0) and is somewhat noisy, comparable to IE /2 indicator.
We will use these two techniques to construct our better moving average, after we explore the first one a little more closely.
Fixing Overshoot
An n-day EMA has smoothing constant alpha=2/(n+1) and a lag of (n-1)/2.
Thus EMA (3) has lag 1, and EMA (11) has lag 5. Figure 2 shows that, if I am willing to incur 5 days of lag, I get a smoother moving average if I run EMA (3) through itself 5 times than if I just take EMA (11) once.
This suggests that if EPMA and DEMA have 0 or low lag, why not run fast versions (eg DEMA (3)) through themselves many times to achieve a smooth result? The problem is that multiple runs though these filters increase their tendency to overshoot the data, giving an unusable result. This is because the amplitude response of DEMA and EPMA is greater than 1 at certain frequencies, giving a gain of much greater than 1 at these frequencies when run though themselves multiple times. Figure 3 shows DEMA (7) and EPMA(7) run through themselves 3 times. DEMA^3 has serious overshoot, and EPMA^3 is terrible.
The solution to the overshoot problem is to recall what we are doing with twicing:
DEMA (n) = EMA (n) + EMA (time series - EMA (n))
The second term is adding, in effect, a smooth version of the derivative to the EMA to achieve DEMA . The derivative term determines how hot the moving average's response to linear trends will be. We need to simply turn down the volume to achieve our basic building block:
EMA (n) + EMA (time series - EMA (n))*.7;
This is algebraically the same as:
EMA (n)*1.7-EMA( EMA (n))*.7;
I have chosen .7 as my volume factor, but the general formula (which I call "Generalized Dema") is:
GD (n,v) = EMA (n)*(1+v)-EMA( EMA (n))*v,
Where v ranges between 0 and 1. When v=0, GD is just an EMA , and when v=1, GD is DEMA . In between, GD is a cooler DEMA . By using a value for v less than 1 (I like .7), we cure the multiple DEMA overshoot problem, at the cost of accepting some additional phase delay. Now we can run GD through itself multiple times to define a new, smoother moving average T3 that does not overshoot the data:
T3(n) = GD ( GD ( GD (n)))
In filter theory parlance, T3 is a six-pole non-linear Kalman filter. Kalman filters are ones which use the error (in this case (time series - EMA (n)) to correct themselves. In Technical Analysis , these are called Adaptive Moving Averages; they track the time series more aggressively when it is making large moves.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD-Filtered, Variety FIR Digital Filters w/ ATR Bands [Loxx]STD-Filtered, Variety FIR Digital Filters w/ ATR Bands is a FIR Digital Filter indicator with ATR bands. This indicator contains 12 different digital filters. Some of these have already been covered by indicators that I've recently posted. The difference here is that this indicator has ATR bands, allows for frequency filtering, adds a frequency multiplier, and attempts show causality by lagging price input by 1/2 the period input during final application of weights. Period is restricted to even numbers.
The 3 most important parameters are the frequency cutoff, the filter window type and the "causal" parameter.
Included filter types:
- Hamming
- Hanning
- Blackman
- Blackman Harris
- Blackman Nutall
- Nutall
- Bartlet Zero End Points
- Bartlet Hann
- Hann
- Sine
- Lanczos
- Flat Top
Frequency cutoff can vary between 0 and 0.5. General rule is that the greater the cutoff is the "faster" the filter is, and the smaller the cutoff is the smoother the filter is.
You can read more about discrete-time signal processing and some of the windowing functions in this indicator here:
Window function
Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
What are FIR Filters?
In discrete-time signal processing, windowing is a preliminary signal shaping technique, usually applied to improve the appearance and usefulness of a subsequent Discrete Fourier Transform. Several window functions can be defined, based on a constant (rectangular window), B-splines, other polynomials, sinusoids, cosine-sums, adjustable, hybrid, and other types. The windowing operation consists of multipying the given sampled signal by the window function. For trading purposes, these FIR filters act as advanced weighted moving averages.
A finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a filter whose impulse response (or response to any finite length input) is of finite duration, because it settles to zero in finite time. This is in contrast to infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, which may have internal feedback and may continue to respond indefinitely (usually decaying).
The impulse response (that is, the output in response to a Kronecker delta input) of an Nth-order discrete-time FIR filter lasts exactly {\displaystyle N+1}N+1 samples (from first nonzero element through last nonzero element) before it then settles to zero.
FIR filters can be discrete-time or continuous-time, and digital or analog.
A FIR filter is (similar to, or) just a weighted moving average filter, where (unlike a typical equally weighted moving average filter) the weights of each delay tap are not constrained to be identical or even of the same sign. By changing various values in the array of weights (the impulse response, or time shifted and sampled version of the same), the frequency response of a FIR filter can be completely changed.
An FIR filter simply CONVOLVES the input time series (price data) with its IMPULSE RESPONSE. The impulse response is just a set of weights (or "coefficients") that multiply each data point. Then you just add up all the products and divide by the sum of the weights and that is it; e.g., for a 10-bar SMA you just add up 10 bars of price data (each multiplied by 1) and divide by 10. For a weighted-MA you add up the product of the price data with triangular-number weights and divide by the total weight.
What is a Standard Deviation Filter?
If price or output or both don't move more than the (standard deviation) * multiplier then the trend stays the previous bar trend. This will appear on the chart as "stepping" of the moving average line. This works similar to Super Trend or Parabolic SAR but is a more naive technique of filtering.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Related indicators
STD/C-Filtered, N-Order Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter
STD/C-Filtered, Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter
STD/C-Filtered, Truncated Taylor Family FIR Filter
STD/Clutter-Filtered, Variety FIR Filters
STD/Clutter-Filtered, Kaiser Window FIR Digital Filter
STD/C-Filtered, N-Order Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter [Loxx]STD/C-Filtered, N-Order Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter is a Discrete-Time, FIR Digital Filter that uses Power-of-Cosine Family of FIR filters. This is an N-order algorithm that turns the following indicator from a static max 16 orders to a N orders, but limited to 50 in code. You can change the top end value if you with to higher orders than 50, but the signal is likely too noisy at that level. This indicator also includes a clutter and standard deviation filter.
See the static order version of this indicator here:
STD/C-Filtered, Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter
Amplitudes for STD/C-Filtered, N-Order Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter:
What are FIR Filters?
In discrete-time signal processing, windowing is a preliminary signal shaping technique, usually applied to improve the appearance and usefulness of a subsequent Discrete Fourier Transform. Several window functions can be defined, based on a constant (rectangular window), B-splines, other polynomials, sinusoids, cosine-sums, adjustable, hybrid, and other types. The windowing operation consists of multipying the given sampled signal by the window function. For trading purposes, these FIR filters act as advanced weighted moving averages.
What is Power-of-Sine Digital FIR Filter?
Also called Cos^alpha Window Family. In this family of windows, changing the value of the parameter alpha generates different windows.
f(n) = math.cos(alpha) * (math.pi * n / N) , 0 ≤ |n| ≤ N/2
where alpha takes on integer values and N is a even number
General expanded form:
alpha0 - alpha1 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * n / N)
+ alpha2 * math.cos(4 * math.pi * n / N)
- alpha3 * math.cos(4 * math.pi * n / N)
+ alpha4 * math.cos(6 * math.pi * n / N)
- ...
Special Cases for alpha:
alpha = 0: Rectangular window, this is also just the SMA (not included here)
alpha = 1: MLT sine window (not included here)
alpha = 2: Hann window (raised cosine = cos^2)
alpha = 4: Alternative Blackman (maximized roll-off rate)
This indicator contains a binomial expansion algorithm to handle N orders of a cosine power series. You can read about how this is done here: The Binomial Theorem
What is Pascal's Triangle and how was it used here?
In mathematics, Pascal's triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients that arises in probability theory, combinatorics, and algebra. In much of the Western world, it is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, although other mathematicians studied it centuries before him in India, Persia, China, Germany, and Italy.
The rows of Pascal's triangle are conventionally enumerated starting with row n = 0 at the top (the 0th row). The entries in each row are numbered from the left beginning with k=0 and are usually staggered relative to the numbers in the adjacent rows. The triangle may be constructed in the following manner: In row 0 (the topmost row), there is a unique nonzero entry 1. Each entry of each subsequent row is constructed by adding the number above and to the left with the number above and to the right, treating blank entries as 0. For example, the initial number in the first (or any other) row is 1 (the sum of 0 and 1), whereas the numbers 1 and 3 in the third row are added to produce the number 4 in the fourth row.
Rows of Pascal's Triangle
0 Order: 1
1 Order: 1 1
2 Order: 1 2 1
3 Order: 1 3 3 1
4 Order: 1 4 6 4 1
5 Order: 1 5 10 10 5 1
6 Order: 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
7 Order: 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
8 Order: 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
9 Order: 1 9 36 34 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
10 Order: 1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
11 Order: 1 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11 1
12 Order: 1 12 66 220 495 792 924 792 495 220 66 12 1
13 Order: 1 13 78 286 715 1287 1716 1716 1287 715 286 78 13 1
For a 12th order Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter
1. We take the coefficients from the Left side of the 12th row
1 13 78 286 715 1287 1716 1716 1287 715 286 78 13 1
2. We slice those in half to
1 13 78 286 715 1287 1716
3. We reverse the array
1716 1287 715 286 78 13 1
This is our array of alphas: alpha1, alpha2, ... alphaN
4. We then pull alpha one from the previous order, order 11, the middle value
11 Order: 1 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11 1
The middle value is 462, this value becomes our alpha0 in the calculation
5. We apply these alphas to the cosine calculations
example: + alpha4 * math.cos(6 * math.pi * n / N)
6. We then divide by the sum of the alphas to derive our final coefficient weighting kernel
**This is only useful for orders that are EVEN, if you use odd ordering, the following are the coefficient outputs and these aren't useful since they cancel each other out and result in a value of zero. See below for an odd numbered oder and compare with the amplitude of the graphic posted above of the even order amplitude:
What is a Standard Deviation Filter?
If price or output or both don't move more than the (standard deviation) * multiplier then the trend stays the previous bar trend. This will appear on the chart as "stepping" of the moving average line. This works similar to Super Trend or Parabolic SAR but is a more naive technique of filtering.
What is a Clutter Filter?
For our purposes here, this is a filter that compares the slope of the trading filter output to a threshold to determine whether to shift trends. If the slope is up but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. If the slope is down but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. Alternatively if either up or down slope exceeds the threshold then the trend turns green for up and red for down. Fro demonstration purposes, an EMA is used as the moving average. This acts to reduce the noise in the signal.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD/C-Filtered, Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter [Loxx]STD/C-Filtered, Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter is a Discrete-Time, FIR Digital Filter that uses Power-of-Cosine Family of FIR filters. This indicator also includes a clutter and standard deviation filter.
What are FIR Filters?
In discrete-time signal processing, windowing is a preliminary signal shaping technique, usually applied to improve the appearance and usefulness of a subsequent Discrete Fourier Transform. Several window functions can be defined, based on a constant (rectangular window), B-splines, other polynomials, sinusoids, cosine-sums, adjustable, hybrid, and other types. The windowing operation consists of multipying the given sampled signal by the window function. For trading purposes, these FIR filters act as advanced weighted moving averages.
What is Power-of-Sine Digital FIR Filter?
Also called Cos^alpha Window Family. In this family of windows, changing the value of the parameter alpha generates different windows.
f(n) = math.cos(alpha) * (math.pi * n / N) , 0 ≤ |n| ≤ N/2
where alpha takes on integer values and N is a even number
General expanded form:
alpha0 - alpha1 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * n / N)
+ alpha2 * math.cos(4 * math.pi * n / N)
- alpha3 * math.cos(4 * math.pi * n / N)
+ alpha4 * math.cos(6 * math.pi * n / N)
- ...
Special Cases for alpha:
alpha = 0: Rectangular window, this is also just the SMA (not included here)
alpha = 1: MLT sine window (not included here)
alpha = 2: Hann window (raised cosine = cos^2)
alpha = 4: Alternative Blackman (maximized roll-off rate)
For this indicator, I've included alpha values from 2 to 16
What is a Standard Devaition Filter?
If price or output or both don't move more than the (standard deviation) * multiplier then the trend stays the previous bar trend. This will appear on the chart as "stepping" of the moving average line. This works similar to Super Trend or Parabolic SAR but is a more naive technique of filtering.
What is a Clutter Filter?
For our purposes here, this is a filter that compares the slope of the trading filter output to a threshold to determine whether to shift trends. If the slope is up but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. If the slope is down but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. Alternatively if either up or down slope exceeds the threshold then the trend turns green for up and red for down. Fro demonstration purposes, an EMA is used as the moving average. This acts to reduce the noise in the signal.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD/C-Filtered, Truncated Taylor Family FIR Filter [Loxx]STD/C-Filtered, Truncated Taylor Family FIR Filter is a FIR Digital Filter that uses Truncated Taylor Family of Windows. Taylor functions are obtained by adding a weighted-cosine series to a constant (called a pedestal). A simpler form of these functions can be obtained by dropping some of the higher-order terms in the Taylor series expansion. If all other terms, except for the first two significant ones, are dropped, a truncated Taylor function is obtained. This is a generalized window that is expressed as:
(1 + K) / 2 + (1 - K) / 2 * math.cos(2.0 * math.pi *n / N) where 0 ≤ |n| ≤ N/2
Here k can take the values in the range 0≤k≤1. We note that the Hann 0 ≤ |n| ≤ window is a special case of the truncated Taylor family with k = 0 and Rectangular 0 ≤ |n| ≤ window (SMA) is a special case of the truncated Taylor family with k = 1.
Truncated Taylor Family of Windows amplitudes for this indicator with K = 0.5
This indicator also includes Standard Deviation and Clutter filtering.
What is a Standard Devaition Filter?
If price or output or both don't move more than the (standard deviation) * multiplier then the trend stays the previous bar trend. This will appear on the chart as "stepping" of the moving average line. This works similar to Super Trend or Parabolic SAR but is a more naive technique of filtering.
What is a Clutter Filter?
For our purposes here, this is a filter that compares the slope of the trading filter output to a threshold to determine whether to shift trends. If the slope is up but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. If the slope is down but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. Alternatively if either up or down slope exceeds the threshold then the trend turns green for up and red for down. Fro demonstration purposes, an EMA is used as the moving average. This acts to reduce the noise in the signal.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD- and Clutter-Filtered, Non-Lag Moving Average [Loxx]STD- and Clutter-Filtered, Non-Lag Moving Average is a Weighted Moving Average with a minimal lag using a damping cosine wave as the line of weight coefficients. The indicator has two filters. They are static (in points) and dynamic (expressed as a decimal). They allow cutting the price noise giving a stepped shape to the Moving Average. Moreover, there is the possibility to highlight the trend direction by color. This also includes a standard deviation and clutter filter. This filter is a FIR filter.
What is a Generic or Direct Form FIR Filter?
In signal processing, a finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a filter whose impulse response (or response to any finite length input) is of finite duration, because it settles to zero in finite time. This is in contrast to infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, which may have internal feedback and may continue to respond indefinitely (usually decaying).
The impulse response (that is, the output in response to a Kronecker delta input) of an Nth-order discrete-time FIR filter lasts exactly {\displaystyle N+1}N+1 samples (from first nonzero element through last nonzero element) before it then settles to zero.
FIR filters can be discrete-time or continuous-time, and digital or analog.
A FIR filter is (similar to, or) just a weighted moving average filter, where (unlike a typical equally weighted moving average filter) the weights of each delay tap are not constrained to be identical or even of the same sign. By changing various values in the array of weights (the impulse response, or time shifted and sampled version of the same), the frequency response of a FIR filter can be completely changed.
An FIR filter simply CONVOLVES the input time series (price data) with its IMPULSE RESPONSE. The impulse response is just a set of weights (or "coefficients") that multiply each data point. Then you just add up all the products and divide by the sum of the weights and that is it; e.g., for a 10-bar SMA you just add up 10 bars of price data (each multiplied by 1) and divide by 10. For a weighted-MA you add up the product of the price data with triangular-number weights and divide by the total weight.
What is a Clutter Filter?
For our purposes here, this is a filter that compares the slope of the trading filter output to a threshold to determine whether to shift trends. If the slope is up but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. If the slope is down but the slope doesn't exceed the threshold, then the color is gray and this indicates a chop zone. Alternatively if either up or down slope exceeds the threshold then the trend turns green for up and red for down. Fro demonstration purposes, an EMA is used as the moving average. This acts to reduce the noise in the signal.
What is a Dual Element Lag Reducer?
Modifies an array of coefficients to reduce lag by the Lag Reduction Factor uses a generic version of a Kalman velocity component to accomplish this lag reduction is achieved by applying the following to the array:
2 * coeff - coeff
The response time vs noise battle still holds true, high lag reduction means more noise is present in your data! Please note that the beginning coefficients which the modifying matrix cannot be applied to (coef whose indecies are < LagReductionFactor) are simply multiplied by two for additional smoothing .
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD-Filtered, Ultra Low Lag Moving Average [Loxx]STD-Filtered, Ultra Low Lag Moving Average is a FIR filter that smooths price using a low-pass filtering with weights derived from a normalized cardinal since function. This indicator attempts to reduce lag to an extreme degree. Try this on various time frames with various Type inputs, 0 is the default, so see where the sweet spot is for your trading style.
What is a Finite Impulse Response Filter?
In signal processing, a finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a filter whose impulse response (or response to any finite length input) is of finite duration, because it settles to zero in finite time. This is in contrast to infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, which may have internal feedback and may continue to respond indefinitely (usually decaying).
The impulse response (that is, the output in response to a Kronecker delta input) of an Nth-order discrete-time FIR filter lasts exactly {\displaystyle N+1}N+1 samples (from first nonzero element through last nonzero element) before it then settles to zero.
FIR filters can be discrete-time or continuous-time, and digital or analog.
A FIR filter is (similar to, or) just a weighted moving average filter, where (unlike a typical equally weighted moving average filter) the weights of each delay tap are not constrained to be identical or even of the same sign. By changing various values in the array of weights (the impulse response, or time shifted and sampled version of the same), the frequency response of a FIR filter can be completely changed.
An FIR filter simply CONVOLVES the input time series (price data) with its IMPULSE RESPONSE. The impulse response is just a set of weights (or "coefficients") that multiply each data point. Then you just add up all the products and divide by the sum of the weights and that is it; e.g., for a 10-bar SMA you just add up 10 bars of price data (each multiplied by 1) and divide by 10. For a weighted-MA you add up the product of the price data with triangular-number weights and divide by the total weight.
Ultra Low Lag Moving Average's weights are designed to have MAXIMUM possible smoothing and MINIMUM possible lag compatible with as-flat-as-possible phase response.
What is Normalized Cardinal Sine?
The sinc function sinc(x), also called the "sampling function," is a function that arises frequently in signal processing and the theory of Fourier transforms.
In mathematics, the historical unnormalized sinc function is defined for x ≠ 0 by
sinc x = sinx / x
In digital signal processing and information theory, the normalized sinc function is commonly defined for x ≠ 0 by
sinc x = sin(pi * x) / (pi * x)
How this works, (easy mode)
1. Use a HA or HAB source type
2. The lower the Type value the smoother the moving average
3. Standard deviation stepping is added to further reduce noise
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
ER-Adaptive ATR, STD-Adaptive Damiani Volatmeter [Loxx]ER-Adaptive ATR, STD-Adaptive Damiani Volatmeter is a Damiani Volatmeter with both Efficiency-Ratio Adaptive ATR, used in place of ATR, and Adaptive Deviation, used in place of Standard Deviation.
What is Adaptive Deviation?
By definition, the Standard Deviation (STD, also represented by the Greek letter sigma σ or the Latin letter s) is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. In technical analysis we usually use it to measure the level of current volatility .
Standard Deviation is based on Simple Moving Average calculation for mean value. This version of standard deviation uses the properties of EMA to calculate what can be called a new type of deviation, and since it is based on EMA , we can call it EMA deviation. And added to that, Perry Kaufman's efficiency ratio is used to make it adaptive (since all EMA type calculations are nearly perfect for adapting).
The difference when compared to standard is significant--not just because of EMA usage, but the efficiency ratio makes it a "bit more logical" in very volatile market conditions.
The green line is the Adaptive Deviation, the white line is regular Standard Deviation. This concept will be used in future indicators to further reduce noise and adapt to price volatility .
See here for a comparison between Adaptive Deviation and Standard Deviation
What is Efficiency Ratio Adaptive ATR?
Average True Range (ATR) is widely used indicator in many occasions for technical analysis . It is calculated as the RMA of true range. This version adds a "twist": it uses Perry Kaufman's Efficiency Ratio to calculate adaptive true range
See here for a comparison between Efficiency-Ratio Adaptive ATR, and ATR.
What is the Damiani Volatmeter?
Damiani Volatmeter uses ATR and Standard deviation to tease out ticker volatility so you can better understand when it's the ideal time to trade. The idea here is that you only take trades when volatility is high so this indicator is to be coupled with various other indicators to validate the other indicator's signals. This is also useful for detecting crabbing and chopping markets.
Shoutout to user @xinolia for the DV function used here.
Anything red means that volatility is low. Remember volatility doesn't have a direction. Anything green means volatility high despite the direction of price. The core signal line here is the green and red line that dips below two while threshold lines to "recharge". Maximum recharge happen when the core signal line shows a yellow ping. Soon after one or many yellow pings you should expect a massive upthrust of volatility . The idea here is you don't trade unless volatility is rising or green. This means that the Volatmeter has to dip into the recharge zone, recharge and then spike upward. You can also attempt to buy or sell reversals with confluence indicators when volatility is in the recharge zone, but I wouldn't recommend this. However, if you so choose to do this, then use the following indicator for confluence.
And last reminder, volatility doesn't have a direction! Red doesn't mean short, and green doesn't mean long, Red means don't trade period regardless of direction long/short, and green means trade no matter the direction long/short. This means you'll have to add an indicator that does show direction such as a mean reversion indicator like Fisher Transform or a Gaussian Filter. You can search my public scripts for various Fisher Transform and Gaussian Filter indicators.
Price-Filtered Spearman Rank Correl. w/ Floating Levels is considered the Mercedes Benz of reversal indicators
Comparison between this indicator, ER-Adaptive ATR, STD-Adaptive Damiani Volatmeter , and the regular Damiani Volatmeter . Notice that the adaptive version catches more volatility than the regular version.
How signals work
RV = Rising Volatility
VD = Volatility Dump
White line is signal
Thick red/green line is the Volatmeter line
The dotted lower lines are the zero line and minimum recharging line
Bar coloring
Related indicators
Variety Moving Average Waddah Attar Explosion (WAE)
Damiani Volatmeter
Adaptive Deviation [Loxx]Adaptive Deviation is an educational/conceptual indicator that is a new spin on the regular old standard deviation. By definition, the Standard Deviation (STD, also represented by the Greek letter sigma σ or the Latin letter s) is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. In technical analysis we usually use it to measure the level of current volatility.
Standard Deviation is based on Simple Moving Average calculation for mean value. This version of standard deviation uses the properties of EMA to calculate what can be called a new type of deviation, and since it is based on EMA, we can call it EMA deviation. And added to that, Perry Kaufman's efficiency ratio is used to make it adaptive (since all EMA type calculations are nearly perfect for adapting).
The difference when compared to standard is significant--not just because of EMA usage, but the efficiency ratio makes it a "bit more logical" in very volatile market conditions.
The green line is the Adaptive Deviation, the white line is regular Standard Deviation. This concept will be used in future indicators to further reduce noise and adapt to price volatility.
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD-Filtered, ATR-Adaptive Laguerre Filter [Loxx]STD-Filtered, ATR-Adaptive Laguerre Filter is a standard Laguerre Filter that is first made ATR-adaptive and the passed through a standard deviation filter. This helps reduce noise and refine the output signal. Can apply the standard deviation filter to the price, signal, both or neither.
What is the Laguerre Filter?
The Laguerre RSI indicator created by John F. Ehlers is described in his book "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures". The Laguerre Filter is a smoothing filter which is based on Laguerre polynomials. The filter requires the current price, three prior prices, a user defined factor called Alpha to fill its calculation. Adjusting the Alpha coefficient is used to increase or decrease its lag and it's smoothness.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
STD-Stepped, Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages [Loxx]STD-Stepped, Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages is the standard deviation stepped/filtered indicator of the following indicator
Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages is a moving average indicator that allows you to create 1- 30 tuple moving average types; i.e., Double-MA, Triple-MA, Quadruple-MA, Quintuple-MA, ... N-tuple-MA. This version contains 5 different moving average types including T3. A list of tuples can be found here if you'd like to name the order of the moving average by depth: Tuples extrapolated
STD-Stepped, You'll notice that this is a lot of code and could normally be packed into a single loop in order to extract the N-tuple MA, however due to Pine Script limitations and processing paradigm this is not possible ... yet.
If you choose the EMA option and select a depth of 2, this is the classic DEMA ; EMA with a depth of 3 is the classic TEMA , and so on and so forth this is to help you understand how this indicator works. This version of NTMA is restricted to a maximum depth of 30 or less. Normally this indicator would include 50 depths but I've cut this down to 30 to reduce indicator load time. In the future, I'll create an updated NTMA that allows for more depth levels.
This is considered one of the top ten indicators in forex. You can read more about it here:
How this works
Step 1: Run factorial calculation on the depth value,
Step 2: Calculate weights of nested moving averages
factorial(nemadepth) / (factorial(nemadepth - k) * factorial(k); where nemadepth is the depth and k is the weight position
Examples of coefficient outputs:
6 Depth: 6 15 20 15 6
7 Depth: 7 21 35 35 21 7
8 Depth: 8 28 56 70 56 28 8
9 Depth: 9 36 34 84 126 126 84 36 9
10 Depth: 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10
11 Depth: 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11
12 Depth: 12 66 220 495 792 924 792 495 220 66 12
13 Depth: 13 78 286 715 1287 1716 1716 1287 715 286 78 13
Step 3: Apply coefficient to each moving average
For QEMA, which is 5 depth EMA , the caculation is as follows
ema1 = ta. ema ( src , length)
ema2 = ta. ema (ema1, length)
ema3 = ta. ema (ema2, length)
ema4 = ta. ema (ema3, length)
ema5 = ta. ema (ema4, length)
qema = 5 * ema1 - 10 * ema2 + 10 * ema3 - 5 * ema4 + ema5
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Bar coloring
Standard deviation stepping