Stoch Momentum Index* Original code from UCSgears.
* Added circles for when Stoch MI and signal line crosses.
Stochastic RSIThis indicator is the standard Stochastic RSI as well as the normal RSI indicator displayed in the background as an area.
This allows you to see both indicatrs at the same time
Blockchain Renkochart Signal [HIKARI]Blockchain Renkochart Signal 區塊鏈磚型圖信號 發布日期:2018/8
此指標適用在加密貨幣市場、外匯市場磚型圖 Renko chart 作為開倉佈局的提示
快線11 、慢線22
買超75(1H),賣超-75 (1H), 30分鐘以下盤面建議手動設定成65或70
紅色長柱=現貨:關閉80%以上現貨倉位 期貨交易:使用較大部位做空
綠色短柱=現貨交易:不要開啟高於20%的總倉位 期貨交易:少量作多,等待其他加碼信號出現
紅色短柱=現貨交易:關閉所有倉位並觀望走勢 期貨交易:少量做空,等待其他加碼信號出現
警報設定功能請點選‘信號燈’、‘買賣信號’ 只要有買賣信號會即時的東芝您
進場交易後建議搭配 Gold hoop EMA*3_Increase&reduce chip 指標 進行加減倉位,確保低風險與高獲利
有需要配套腳本使用或合作請與我聯繫 微信:HikariLin01 電子郵箱
Blockchain Renkochart Signal Release date: 2018/8
This indicator applies to the cryptocurrency market, the foreign exchange market brick chart Renko chart as a reminder of the opening position
Fast line 11, slow line 22
Buy over 75 (1H), sell super-75 (1H), 30 minutes below the recommended face manually set to 65 or 70
In the indicator chart, the longer the green column or the red column, the stronger the opening and closing signals. It is recommended that you perform the following operations.
Green long column = spot & futures trading: open 40% position to buy, make more
Red long column = spot: close 80% of the spot position. Futures trading: use a larger part to short
Suppose the green or red column is very short and close to the midline, which means that the very weak signal is multi-empty. We recommend that you do the following
Green short column = spot transaction: Do not open more than 20% of the total position. Futures trading: a small amount of more, waiting for other overweight signals to appear
Red short column = spot transaction: close all positions and wait and see the trend Futures trading: a small amount of short, waiting for other overweight signals to appear
In addition, when the columns of different colors appear, the brick bar or k-bar candle will display different colors as a reminder.
Indicator green column (opening suggestion) = yellow bar
Indicators appear red pillars (closed position suggestion) = sky blue bar
This indicator has a write alarm function, please set it manually.
For the alarm setting function, please click on 'Signal Light', 'Buy and Sell Signal'.
This indicator can only prompt to buy and sell points, and the strength of the analysis signal
It is recommended to add and subtract positions with Gold hoop EMA*3_Increase&reduce chip after entering the trade to ensure low risk and high profit.
If you need a supporting script to use or cooperate, please contact me. WeChat: HikariLin01 E-mail:
With StochRSI time axis change and cross sign display function.
RSI vs Stochastic vs Stochastic RSITo compare each indicator's performance toggle between the various buy and sell methods while watching results in the Strategy Tester pane.
OSC = Oscillates between crossing the chosen Lo or Hi levels for either RSI or Stochastic/Stochastic RSI.
CROSS = When the Stochastic or Stochastic RSI k crosses d.
Outer gray band equals Stochastic/StochasticRSI range.
Inner gray band equals RSI range.
NOTICE: This script does not require access from me, simply open Indicators on chart and search for "RSI vs Stochastic vs Stochastic RSI". By accessing this script you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and I am not responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
It can be used as a material to judge the flow with CCI and StochRSI cross.
Ehlers-Smoothed Stochastic RSI StrategyI have been asked by several people for a Strategy based on the ES Stoch RSI Alert so here it is. The strategy has an adjustable backtest date range so that you can adjust the test time period to whatever you like. This strategy is based on a script by fskrypt.
Stochastic RSI with DivergencesTook my other Log RSI script and plugged in Stochastic RSI to see how divergences play on an oscillator with two lines. Turns out divergences are good at predicting changes in the oscillator but that doesn't mean that the oscillator will always mimic price action.
Log vs. no log is virtually the same.
Credits to
@fskrypt for introducing geometric mean
Divergences by @RicardoSantos (@JustUncleL's edit)
QQE AsYouWish IMQ Component v02 An AsYouWish component of Inigo Montoya's Quest, dynamic strategy. This is not a stand alone indicator. It is instead designed/skewed to provide RSI-based trade recommendations, immediately following a reversal stop-out. It's suitable for any time frame, from 1 minute to 1+day bars.
[SV] Seaweed Village RSI Ver 0.3New to write in English
Please refer to this document
heiken-stochThis model has two system
1. is the well known heiken (lime or red)
2. stoch cross up or down in relation to volume indicator (B or S)
alerts inside
have fun
stoch rsi dmi plusSo in this indicator I put the improved DMI together with stoch rsi
the area in light blue are buy zone by the improved DMI
the area in light red are potential sell zone by the improved DMI
the green columns are stoch rsi crossing up
the red columns are stoch rsi crossing down
Stoch RSI K/D DifferenceGet the difference between Stochastic RSI k and d. When k > d, the value is positive, and vice versa.
Sudden change/reversal of the difference can indicate price reversal.
QQE AsYouWishRed & Green Dots are added, signifying events in the QQE. Next step will be to build a trade decision accumulator, based on QQE dot events.
Stochastic RSI Alertscreate alert based on Stochastic RSI when k is greater than 80 or less than 20.
RSI with buy and sellgives buy and sell as per the settings
uses stochastic and RSI
can be used in combination with RSI+ script