Large volume indicator to show the price above/belowLarge volume is meaningful that usually the current price above the highest price of the bars with largest volume usually means uptrend in the short-term.
In the opposite, below it means downtrend.
I coded this indicator to save the efforts to compare it, make it easily to tell the uptrend/downtrend by above/below and color.
Hope you guys enjoy it, and welcome to comment.
The Inputs:
Length:the largest volume of bars of the total bars numbers.
Color:the above/below colors.
Text:Remind this line is large volume R/S.
You can find the video tutorial in my ideas sharing.
Real Relative Volume - Bar Indicator - Time Adjusted - DE & ENEnglish version below
Die richtige Aktie zu finden, ist nich immer einfach. Eine wichtige Variable bei der Aktienauswahl stellt das relative Volumen dar, welches von vielen erfolgreichen Tradern und Trading Firmen benutzt wird. Stell es Dir so vor: Statt sich das absolute Volumen anzuschauen, schauen wir uns die tatsächliche Stärke an. Wie viel Volumen wird also heute im Vergleich zu einem regulären Tag gehandelt. Dies gibt Aufschluss darüber, ob die Aktie "In-Play" ist.
Merke: Ist das RVOL (Relative Volumen) erhöht, sind mehr Marktteilnehmer an dieser Aktie interessiert als üblich. Dies ist besonders dann wichtig, wenn die Marktrichtung und die Richtung der Aktie nicht übereinstimmen.
Wenn der Markt steigt, steigen auch die meisten Aktien. Dies kann folglich auch ohne erhöhtes RVOL passieren. Was ist aber, wenn der Markt gegen uns geht? Dann werden wir schnell bei RVOL-schwachen Aktien ausgeschüttelt. Daher wollen wir unseren Fokus immer auf Aktien setzen, die ein erhöhtes relatives Volumen haben! Dies sind die Aktien, die gerade wirklich stark gehandelt werden und wahrscheinlich einen Katalysten dafür haben.
Der Real Relative Volume - Bar Indicator zeigt Dir das aktuelle relative Volumen an. Unser Algo benutzt dabei das tatsächliche kumulative Volumen des aktuellen Tages zum jeweiligen (aktuellen) Zeitpunkt und vergleicht dieses mit dem historischen Durchschnittsvolumen zum gleichen Zeitpunkt. Damit bekommen wir ein korrektes Abbild der aktuellen Stärke. Mit Hilfe des Indikators können wir durch die farbliche Veränderung der Volumenbalken ebenfalls sehen, ob diese Stärke zunimmt, gleich bleibt, oder gegebenenfalls schnell and Power verliert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Skripten nutzen wir eine fortschrittliche Methode, die aktuelle Position am Tag erkennt und damit nicht die Session in gleiche Teile teilt. Vorteil: Der Indikator funktioniert auch in Krypto, Forex, DE-Aktien, Indizes etc.
Bitte ohne verlängerte Handelszeiten nutzen!
Sessions Back: Verändert die Baseline, die Du mit dem heutigen Volumen vergleichst. Beispiel: 10 - Zur aktuellen Uhrzeit siehst Du das reale relative Volumen von heute in Relation zu den letzten 10 Sessions (zur gleichen Zeit). (*max 5000 Kerzen)
RVOL Threshold: Wert für die RVOL Alarme sowie zur Färbung bei Nutzung des Modus Threshold.
Plot styles: Du hast die Möglichkeit aus 4 verschiedenen Styles zu wählen.
Heatmap (greift auf die Werte und Farben von HM1-HM5 zurück)
Traffic (greift auf die Werte und Farben von T1-T4 zurück) -
Threshold (greift auf den Werte RVOL Threshold zurück)
Kurs (zeigt die normalen Volumenbalken)
HM1-5: Stelle unterschiedliche RVOL Werte für den Plot Style Heatmap ein.
T1-4: Stelle unterschiedliche RVOL Werte für den Plot Style Traffic ein.
Dieser Indikator wird häufig mit unserer zweiten Version Real Relative Volume - Line Indicator - Time Adjusted - DE & EN verwendet. Stelle sicher, dass Du in beiden Indikatoren die gleichen RVOL Werte nutzt!
English version
Finding the right stock to trade is not always easy. An important variable in stock selection is the relative volume, which is used by many successful traders and trading firms. Think of it like this: Instead of looking at absolute volume, we look at actual strength. So how much volume is traded today compared to a regular day? This gives an indication of whether the stock is "in play".
Note: If the RVOL (relative volume) is increased, more market participants are interested in this share than usual. This is especially important if the market direction and the direction of the stock do not match.
If the market rises, most shares will also rise. This can, therefore, happen without an increased RVOL. But what happens if the market goes against us? Then we are quickly shaken out of RVOL-weak stocks. Therefore, we always want to focus on stocks that have an increased relative volume! These are the stocks that are trading really strongly right now and probably have a catalyst for that.
The Real Relative Volume - Bar Indicator shows you the current relative volume. Our Algo uses the actual cumulative volume of the current day at the respective (current) time and compares it with the historical average volume at the same time. This gives us a correct picture of the current strength. With the help of the indicator, we can also see by the color change of the volume bars whether this strength increases, remains the same, or loses power quickly. Unlike other scripts, we use an advanced method that recognizes the current position on the day and does not split the session into equal parts. Advantage: The indicator also works in crypto, forex, foreign stock markets, indices, etc.
Please use without extended trading hours!
Sessions Back: Changes the baseline that you compare to today's volume. Example: 10 - At the current time you see the real relative volume of today in relation to the last 10 sessions (at the same time). (*max 5000 candles)
RVOL Threshold: Value for the RVOL alarms as well as for coloring when using the Threshold mode.
Plot styles: You have the possibility to choose from 4 different styles.
Heatmap (uses the values and colors of HM1-HM5)
Traffic (uses the values and colors of T1-T4) -
Threshold (accesses the values RVOL Threshold)
Price (shows the normal volume bars)
HM1-5: Set different RVOL values for the Plot Style Heatmap
T1-4: Set different RVOL values for the Plot Style Traffic.
This indicator is often used with our second version Real Relative Volume - Line Indicator - Time Adjusted - DE & EN. Make sure that you use the same RVOL values in both indicators!
Real Relative Volume - Line Indicator - Time Adjusted - DE & EN// English description below
Die richtige Aktie zu finden, ist nich immer einfach. Eine wichtige Variable bei der Aktienauswahl stellt das relative Volumen dar, welches von vielen erfolgreichen Tradern und Trading Firmen benutzt wird. Stell es Dir so vor: Statt sich das absolute Volumen anzuschauen, schauen wir uns die tatsächliche Stärke an. Wie viel Volumen wird also heute im Vergleich zu einem regulären Tag gehandelt. Dies gibt Aufschluss darüber, ob die Aktie "In-Play" ist.
Merke: Ist das RVOL (Relative Volumen) erhöht, sind mehr Marktteilnehmer an dieser Aktie interessiert als üblich. Dies ist besonders dann wichtig, wenn die Marktrichtung und die Richtung der Aktie nicht übereinstimmen.
Wenn der Markt steigt, steigen auch die meisten Aktien. Dies kann folglich auch ohne erhöhtes RVOL passieren. Was ist aber, wenn der Markt gegen uns geht? Dann werden wir schnell bei RVOL-schwachen Aktien ausgeschüttelt. Daher wollen wir unseren Fokus immer auf Aktien setzen, die ein erhöhtes relatives Volumen haben! Dies sind die Aktien, die gerade wirklich stark gehandelt werden und wahrscheinlich einen Katalysten dafür haben.
Der Real Relative Volume - Line Indicator zeigt Dir das aktuelle relative Volumen an. Unser Algo benutzt dabei das tatsächliche kumulative Volumen des aktuellen Tages zum jeweiligen (aktuellen) Zeitpunkt und vergleicht dieses mit dem historischen Durchschnittsvolumen zum gleichen Zeitpunkt . Damit bekommen wir ein korrektes Abbild der aktuellen Stärke. Mit Hilfe des Indikators können wir ebenfalls sehen, ob diese Stärke zunimmt, gleich bleibt, oder gegebenenfalls schnell and Power verliert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Skripten nutzen wir eine fortschrittliche Methode, die aktuelle Position am Tag erkennt und damit nicht die Session in gleiche Teile teilt. Vorteil: Der Indikator funktioniert auch in Krypto, Forex, DE-Aktien, Indizes etc.
Bitte ohne verlängerte Handelszeiten nutzen!
Sessions Back: Verändert die Baseline, die Du mit dem heutigen Volumen vergleichst. Beispiel: 10 - Zur aktuellen Uhrzeit siehst Du das reale relative Volumen von heute in Relation zu den letzten 10 Sessions (zur gleichen Zeit). (*max 5000 Kerzen)
Threshold: Stelle eine bestimmte Schwelle ein, bei der Du dich über die TradingView Funktion alarmieren lassen möchtest.
T1-4: Stelle unterschiedliche RVOL Werte ein.
Use Traffic Color for Line: Die unterschiedlichen T1-4 Werte und Farben werden für das Liniendiagramm genutzt.
Dieser Indikator wird häufig mit unserer zweiten Version Real Relative Volume - Bar Indicator - Time Adjusted - DE & EN verwendet.
/////// English version
Finding the right stock is not always easy. An important variable in stock selection is the relative volume, which is used by many successful traders and trading firms. Think of it like this: Instead of looking at absolute volume, we look at actual strength. So how much volume is traded today compared to a regular day? This gives an indication of whether the stock is "in play".
Note: If the RVOL (relative volume) is increased, more market participants are interested in this stock than usual. This is especially important if the market direction and the direction of the stock do not match.
If the market rises, most shares will also rise. This can, therefore, happen without an increased RVOL. But what happens if the market goes against us? Then we are quickly shaken out of RVOL-weak stocks. Therefore, we always want to focus on stocks that have an increased relative volume! These are the stocks that are trading really strongly right now and probably have a catalyst for that.
The Real Relative Volume - Line Indicator shows you the current relative volume. Our Algo uses the actual cumulative volume of the current day at the respective (current) time and compares it with the historical average volume at the same time . This gives us a correct picture of the current strength. With the help of the indicator, we can also see whether this strength increases, remains the same, or if it loses power quickly. Unlike other scripts, we use an advanced method that recognizes the current position on the day and thus does not split the session into equal parts. Advantage: The indicator also works in crypto, forex, foreign stock markets, indices, and many more.
Please use without extended trading hours!
Sessions Back: Changes the baseline that you compare to today's volume. Example: 10 - At the current time you see the real relative volume of today in relation to the last 10 sessions (at the same time). (*max 5000 Bars)
Threshold: Set a certain threshold at which you want to be alerted via the TradingView function.
T1-4: Set different RVOL values.
Use Traffic Color for Line: The different T1-4 values & colors are used for the line plot.
This indicator is often used with our second version Real Relative Volume - Bar Indicator - Time Adjusted - DE & EN .
UTG - VolumeOur in-house developed Volume indicator.
- Gives you a bit more information than the standard volume indicator
- Allows you to choose High Point Method
- This takes into account the Historical High, or the last high in a predetermined length (of your choosing)
- Can determine the Vertical space used on the chart
- Can identify the Historical High for you
- Customisable in regard to colours & MA
If you'd like to know more about this, or gain access, details for access to this can be found in our Signature!
Happy Trading!
Moving Candle VolumeShows which part of the candle was executed with the highest volume.
Different from Candle Volume Profile because more useful for indicators and scripts
Does not work on any timeframe lower than 20 minutes
Volume-Weighted Indicators VWMA/VWAP/EMA_by WWAs traders and investors now urge to console volume factors into their price action analysis. This script is an attempt to combine volume-weighted moving average (VWMA), volume-weighted average price (VWAP), along with the exponential moving average (EMA). I have found that this indicator works quite well with the stock market.
How to use the indicator:
Buy when the VWAP and EMA lines crossing up VWMA.
Sell when the VWAP and EMA crossing down each other OR both VWAP and EMA crossing down VWAP
Any modificatio is welcomed, but please let me know.
Nifty VolumeWhy this Script : Nifty 50 does not provide volume and some time it is really useful to understand the volume .
This is the pine script which calculate the nifty 50 volume .
Logic :
Take each stock contribute to nifty 50 and find it's volume .
Multiply the same with contribution percentage of the same on Nifty 50
Add up all of them and find the total volume .
There is a similar script by @daytraderph which is built for Bank Nifty (custom volume) . I took the same and built for Nfity.
Nifty has 50 stocks and you cant call security method more than 40 times from one Pine script, so this is the limitation of this script. It consider top 40 stocks and find the volume (which contribute pretty much around 95% of the volume) and convert the same to 100 %
Bank Nifty VolumeWhy this Script : Nifty 50 does not provide volume and some time it is really useful to understand the volume .
This is the pine script which calculate the nifty 50 volume .
Logic :
Take each stock contribute to nifty 50 and find it's volume .
Multiply the same with contribution percentage of the same on Nifty 50
Add up all of them and find the total volume .
I took the open source code from @daytraderph script called, Custom Volume
I will make sure I will update the contribution percentage of all stocks my self instead o you update using input methods. This is the difference. Some people don't know where to look at this to update the value, so for them this script might be useful. And this is the only difference comparing to Custom Volume script.
[VBose] Bank Nifty Volume With Accumulation/Distribution Bank Nifty Volume With Accumulation/Distribution Indicator shows Weighted Spot volume bars and the accumulated/distributed (A/D) portion of them. It calculates candle body to candle height ratio and multiplies it by Spot volume: Spot volume*(close-open)/(high-low)
The Spot Volume is calculated by the weighted sum (Composite method) of deriving stock volume from underlying 12 stocks in the Bank Nifty Index.
This Indicator has ability to multiply The Volume With Price and Take the Output of Volume or A/D to be fed as source in other indicators.
Light Green Color Shows Total Bull Volume > With Dark Green Color as Accumulation
Light Red Color Shows Total Bear Volume < With Dark Red Color as Distribution
Moving Average for Volume and A/D Line can be added with custom Moving Average Settings
Note:Trading view still does not provide Volume in Bank Nifty Index and this indicator calculates Spot Volume which is different than Futures Volume of Bank Nifty.
Average High Traded Volume (Nodes) - Levels/Zones (Expo)Average High Traded Volume (Nodes) - (Expo) automatically identifies and displays High Traded Volume Nodes.
Levels/Zones are displayed where there has been a significant level of trading activity and when there has been both high supply and demand. These levels can leave clues for future price behavior and act as support/resistance zones.
The indicator can be used standalone or as a part of your current trading strategy.
No repainting
Works on any market if volume data is provided
1. Use the indicator to identify High Traded Volume Nodes.
2. Use the indicator to identify support/resistance zones.
3. Use the indicator to confirm the existence, or a continuation, of a trend or a trend reversal.
4-hour chart
I hope you find this indicator useful , and please comment or contact me if you like the script or have any questions/suggestions for future improvements. Thanks!
I will continually work on this indicator, so please share your experience and feedback as it will enable me to make even better improvements. Thanks to everyone that has already contacted me regarding my scripts. Your feedback is valuable for future developments!
• Contact me on TradingView or use the links below
Copyright by Zeiierman.
The information contained in my scripts/indicators/ideas does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, or individual’s trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My scripts/indicators/ideas are only for educational purposes!
vol difflearn from
change volume bar color vs sma ,
if bar up, volume bar change to orange, volume >20sma, volume change yellow.
if bar down, volume bar change to silver , volume >20sma, volume change black.
Bitcoin Total Output Volume (QUANDL:BCHAIN/TOUTV)Simple script that graphically represents the total dollar output volume at BITCOIN
Blockchain data made available at QUANDL.
Its logic is simple, search the data in the QUANDL database and plot it on the chart.
STreme TrialThis indicator plot area to Buy and Sell based on Supply Demand method.
Only works in Weekly timeframe and above.
I used this to help me find the best possible turning point.
Delta Divergence(modified)Modified Volume Delta Divergence indicator originally made by @dutta.anupam.02, with some visual modifications. First numbers show delta others are bid and ask volume
Rolling Net VolumeMay still make changes, the current study should be helpful as is. Looking to highlight potential relative trend exhaustion in net volume. Should be most effective for stable supply assets. We're looking at an 100 day moving average of net volume essentially. The values of the RNV are slightly exaggerated to help with visibility PLEASE bear this in mind. Never the less, you can look at many commodities and notice moderate and extreme trend exhaustion on the positive and negative side using the transparent bands above and below. The less transparent red band perhaps suggests an opportunity to open a position against the current direction. It's not perfect, I may try to improve it. I am definitely open to feedback and appreciate it very much in advance.
Volume Divergence by MMIt's a simply volume indicator. You should watch for breaks on both volume uptrend and volume downtrend. It uses fibonacci numbers to build smoothed moving average of volume.
Also you can check divergences for trend reversal and momentum loss.
Attributable VolumeA volume indicator which calculates "Attributable Volume”, the portion of volume which contributed to the direction in which the candle moved.
Attributable Volume is calculated as: Total volume excluding the "counter wick" volume.
Where for a green (up) candle, the "counter wick" volume is the top wick volume.
In theory, Attributable Volume should better represent the effort of directional thrust of each candle.
By default, this indicator displays “Attributable RVOL”, but can be set to:
Attributable RVOL
Attributable Volume
Note: RVOL = Relative Volume, the current volume divided by the Volume moving average. RVOL can be used to identify major moves, and potential starts/ends to trends.
Candle VolumeScript Based on Volume Based Coloured Bars by KivancOzbilgic
This indicator turns the candle into a volume-weighted signal, When the price falls, the candle is red, and when the price rises, the candle is green. In addition, we each have two colors Happening:
Dark red: It is dark red when the downtrend trading volume is greater than 200% of its average price (default 20 days), which indicates that our price action is supported by strong bearish trading volume
Red: When the price drops and the trading volume is between 50% and 200% of its average (default 20 days), in this case, we can think that the trading volume is neither strong nor weak
Light red: When the price drops and VOLUME is less than 50% of its average price (default 20 days), the trading volume is weak and there is not much support for price movements
Dark green: When the price rises and the trading volume is greater than 200% of its average price (default 20 days), it indicates that our price movement is supported by a strong bullish trading volume
Green: When the price rises and the trading volume is between 50% and 200% of its average price (the default is 20 days), in this case, we can think that the trading volume is neither strong nor weak
Light green: When the price rises and the trading volume is less than 50% of its average price (default 20 days), the trading volume is weak and does not support the price trend well
Default Low Volume is 50% (0.5) and High 200% (2), but if those values don't suit you, you can change them according to your trading personality
Esse é um indicador que colore a candlera de acordo com o volume baseado na média, quando o volume está acima da média a candlera fica verde, e quando está abaixo, a candlera fica vermelha, e as cores das candleras funcionam dessa forma :
Vermelho escuro: fica vermelho escuro quando o preço cai e o volume de negociação é superior a 200% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), o que indica que nossa ação de preço é suportada por um forte volume de negociação de baixa
Vermelho: quando o preço cai e o volume de negociação está entre 50% e 200% de sua média (padrão de 20 dias), nesse caso, podemos pensar que o volume de negociação não é forte nem fraco
Vermelho claro: quando o preço cai e VOLUME é inferior a 50% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), o volume de negociação é fraco e não há muito suporte para movimentos de preço
Verde escuro: quando o preço aumenta e o volume de negociação é superior a 200% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), isso indica que nosso movimento de preço é suportado por um forte volume de negociação de alta
Verde: quando o preço aumenta e o volume de negociação está entre 50% e 200% do preço médio (o padrão é 20 dias), nesse caso, podemos pensar que o volume de negociação não é forte nem fraco
Verde claro: quando o preço aumenta e o volume de negociação é inferior a 50% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), o volume de negociação é fraco e não suporta bem a tendência de preço
O volume baixo padrão é 50% (0,5) e alto 200% (2), mas se esses valores não forem adequados para você, você poderá alterá-los de acordo com sua personalidade de trading
Volume, Simple Relative Volume HighlightThis script plots volume bars and highlight bars that have an unusual activity, compare to the average (Standard: Simple Moving Average, 50 periods).
The script is useful for checking daily volume levels on equities. Where there is high volume, there is likely volatility, wich is good for day trading and swing trading entries.
Rolling Relative VolumeThis script sums the volume for the selected period and compares it to the selected period before that. It works on a rolling basis, so it is suitable for 24/7 markets such as crypto. That is the main difference between this and the regular RVOL indicator. Of course lower timeframes can also be selected for comparing changes in volume, but you should be aware how the times when markets are closed affect the calculation. For example, if used on stocks, the indicator will use the data that is available, meaning that the amount of data needed to calculate daily cumulative volume can be stretched out over a few days. If the stock session is 8 hours long, that comes out to 3 days.
There are 2 windows of reference when summing the volume:
1) The Recent volume window -> sums the volume between the current candle and the start of the window
2) The previous volume window -> sums the volume from the start of the current window until the start of the previous window
An example follows at the end :)
How to set up:
1) In settings, select the Timeframe; weekly, daily and hourly (W,D,H) are supported.
2) Choose the multiplier of the recent timeframe (for example 4 for cumulative volume over the last 4h)
3) Choose the multiplier of the previous timeframe (for example 8, if you want cumulative volume of the 8h before the start of the recent window)
Timeframe: D
Recent volume multiplier: 3
Previous volume multiplier: 1
The chart set to 1h timeframe
This will calculate the cumulative volume for the past 24h, starting at the recent candle. Then it will calculate the cumulative volume for 72 hours before the start of the recent (24h) window. So in total it will need 24 + 72 = 96 hours of data to calculate.
After that it will compare the volume of the recent window with the average of the previous window. If values are above 1 the volume is increasing, if below 1 it is decreasing.
Why is this useful?
It's easy to spot changes in the volume and see if the volume is increasing and by how much, compared to previous days. Of course volume also drives liquidity. If volume is picking up, that could be the start of a bigger move.
Use on very low timeframes (1m, 3m) with big lookback periods (W) can break the script or make it execute very slowly due to the nature of the indicator.
Because this works on bar data it's possible that changing timeframes will change the calculation slightly. Generally, lower timeframes produce more accurate results, but take longer to calculate. The selected timeframe for the indicator should always be higher than the timeframe of the chart, otherwise the calculations won't make sense.
Leave a comment or send a DM for any improvements, bugs or ideas for automation / algo trading.
Volume Weighted Exponential Moving AverageYou might have heard that simple moving average barks twice, then you will also notice that volume weighted moving average is even more horrible.
Thanks to Trading View all I had to do was to replace SMA function with EMA.
VWEMA can be used as an adaptive moving average or even an alternative to VWAP.